Introduction It is biblically imperative that the Lord’s church be equipped if it is to effectively minister: The question we must answer, what does “equipped” look like?
By understanding the verb form of root word (katarti) throughout the N.T. we can glean a broader sense of application of the word (Equipped) as intended in Ephesians 4:12
Breaking It Down Searching the noun form of the root word (Equip) leaves much to be desired.
Breaking It Down By searching the verb form, however, we see an array of uses of this word.
Mending our Lives p. Matt. 4:21The idea of “equipping” includes the imagery of mending. cp. Matt. 4:21 Jesus came for the sick because they needed to be made “whole”. Matt. 9:12 As Christians we need to be equipped (mended) if we are to effectively serve one another.
United with Others Quarreling (division) with one another does not produce an effective body of believers. Unity does. 1 Cor. 1:10 Equipped Christians promote peace and work toward unity. cp. Eph. 4:13
Being Fully Trained The goal of our lives are to be made into the image of our Christ. This happens when we – as disciples of Jesus – are fully trained by Him. Lk. 6:40 That is the image of the mature “man”. Eph. 4:13
Conclusion We now should have a well-rounded view of what being equipped means. –Repaired. –Reconcilers. –Like our Rabbi We can best serve as God desires when we’re fully equipped.