QUIET TIME Pr. Jomon K. Varughese QUIET TIME Pr. Jomon K. Varughese
What is Quiet Time?
Quiet Time is a spiritual practice that every believer has to develop as an habit to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. (Rom. 12:2; 8:29; 2 Cor. 3:18) Definition (Purpose)
Quiet Time is a daily discipline of spending meaningful time in solitude with Jesus Christ to hear from Him and to respond to Him. (Mk. 1:35) Definition (Practice)
Definition (Manfred Roeseler) “Quiet Time means having specific time in the day when we can be alone with God for reading His Word and prayer”
Why Quiet Time? God desires our fellowship – He wants to speak to us It is necessary for our spiritual growth (1Pet. 2:2 ; Eph. 4:15)
Why Quiet Time? Imagery of a ripened field : (Time and effort must be spent) Ground must be prepared Seedlings must be watered The weeds need to be uprooted The birds must be kept away
Why Quiet Time? Christian maturity means daily walk with Jesus Christ – It’s a progressive onward journey – Stagnation means backsliding
Why Quiet Time? We need to know the will of God – Rom. 12:2 – Transformation of the mind by the Word of God & Holy Spirit – It helps us not to conform to the patterns of the world
Why Quiet Time? It helps us to find out the right direction (Heb.12:1; Ps.119:9,105,133) It helps to become a true disciple of Jesus (Jn. 8:31) – The Greek word for disciple “mathates” means a learner/ student / apprentice – He / she must learn and practise many new principles
Why Quiet Time? It helps us not to sin against God (Ps. 119:11) It helps us to overcome satan (1Jn. 2:14; cf. Matt. 4:4,7,10) It helps us to strengthen our inner man (Jer. 15:16)
Key aspects Respond
7 ‘R’s for the Practice of Quiet Time?
7 ‘R’s for Quiet Time Relax
7 ‘R’s for Quiet Time Request
7 ‘R’s for Quiet Time Read
7 ‘R’s for Quiet Time Reflect
Questions for Reflection
1.Is there a lesson about Faith or God? 2.Is there anything to praise God for? 3.Is there an example to follow? 4.Is there a command to obey? 5.Is there a promise to claim? 6.Is there a sin to confess and forsake?
7 ‘R’s for Quiet Time Record
7 ‘R’s for Quiet Time Respond
7 ‘R’s for Quiet Time Remember
7 ‘R’s for Quiet Time Relax Request Read Reflect Record Respond Remember
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