Civil Rights Triumphs of a Crusade Part II
Freedom Riders Interstate Facilities were segregated the in the South SNCC volunteers rode into Birmingham, AL They were pulled off and beaten Next stop: Montgomery AL
What Happened? Arrived in Montgomery to a mob of whites Arrived in Montgomery to a mob of whites Riders were beaten with bats and lead pipes Riders were beaten with bats and lead pipes Kennedy responded by sending in Federal Marshalls to protect riders in Jackson, Mississippi Kennedy responded by sending in Federal Marshalls to protect riders in Jackson, Mississippi Interstate Facilities were desegregated! Interstate Facilities were desegregated!
James Meredith Sept 30, 1962 Sept 30, 1962 Enrolled in University of Mississippi Enrolled in University of Mississippi Governor refuses to let him in! Governor refuses to let him in! Kennedy sends in troops to escort Meredith Kennedy sends in troops to escort Meredith Gov. Says “WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER!” Gov. Says “WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER!”
What Happened? 5000 soldiers, 200 arrests, and 15 hours of rioting soldiers, 200 arrests, and 15 hours of rioting. Meredith attended class with soldiers escorting him. Meredith attended class with soldiers escorting him.
James Meredith is escorted under heavy guard.
Army trucks roll into Oxford
Birmingham, AL Known for total segregation Known for total segregation King decides to test power of King decides to test power of non violence non violence 1 st demonstration-King arrested by Police commissioner Bull Connor 1 st demonstration-King arrested by Police commissioner Bull Connor
Children’s Crusade 2 nd demonstration in Birmingham 2 nd demonstration in Birmingham Over 1000 children marched Over 1000 children marched Connor arrested 959 of them! Connor arrested 959 of them! 3 rd demonstration televised nationally 3 rd demonstration televised nationally Police swept marchers off their feet with high pressure hoses, set attack dogs on them, clubbed marchers Police swept marchers off their feet with high pressure hoses, set attack dogs on them, clubbed marchers
Demonstrators huddled in a doorway seek shelter from the hoses. The water is propelled at a force of one hundred pounds per square inch.
After being hit from behind and being knocked down by the hoses, a woman is picked up and rescued by a witness
A police wrestles with a 5 year old boy for the American Flag!
Kennedy Responds “ Are we to say to the world- and much more importantly to each other-that this is the land of the free, except for the Negroes?”
March on Washington August 28, 1963 August 28, 1963 People demanded the immediate passage of a civil rights bill People demanded the immediate passage of a civil rights bill King-”I Have a Dream” speech King-”I Have a Dream” speech Largest demonstration in U.S up to that time. Largest demonstration in U.S up to that time.
Civil Rights Acts of 1964 Johnson signed the bill Johnson signed the bill Prohibits discrimination Prohibits discrimination because of race, religion, national origin, and gender because of race, religion, national origin, and gender
Signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by President Lyndon B. Johnson as Martin Luther King Jr. looks on
Freedom Summer Wanted to influence Congress to pass a voting rights act Wanted to influence Congress to pass a voting rights act More than a 1000 volunteers took on the challenge to register voters. More than a 1000 volunteers took on the challenge to register voters. Increased violence: 4 deaths, 4 critically wounded, 80 beaten and many churches bombed and burned Increased violence: 4 deaths, 4 critically wounded, 80 beaten and many churches bombed and burned
Bloody Sunday Response to a killing of a demonstrator Response to a killing of a demonstrator March led by King is from Selma, AL to Montgomery, AL March led by King is from Selma, AL to Montgomery, AL More than 50 miles More than 50 miles March 7, 1965 March 7, 1965 More than 600 protestors More than 600 protestors
What Happened? Televised nationally Televised nationally Police tear gassed marchers Police tear gassed marchers Beaten with clubs and whipped Beaten with clubs and whipped In response, another march was planned In response, another march was planned This time over 50,000 people showed up! This time over 50,000 people showed up!
So what? 10 weeks after Selma march the Voting Rights Act was passed! 10 weeks after Selma march the Voting Rights Act was passed! But But The long term effects of segregation and discrimination were starting to take its toll! The long term effects of segregation and discrimination were starting to take its toll!
Leaders who called for peace were now challenged with increasing violence.