PROVOST FORUM Provost Office Priorities for 2013 Mark A. Pagano, January 17, 2013
Academic Affairs Priorities Priority 1 - Hire a Dean of the College of Business (Discussions occurring with a potential finalist) Priority 1 - Begin preparations of the NWCCU Year 3 Report (Well underway – Dr. Redinger and AAC spearheading effort) Priority 1 - Continue Implementation of College!Now (System-wide Implementation report given at BOR by CBT) Priority 1 - Work out Organizational Structures for areas reporting to Provost (will be done with Futureu) Priority 1 - Finalize Futureu Strategic Plan (Core Themes approved and plan acknowledged by BOR on January 8, 2013, Celebration to be held in LA on ) Priority 1 - Begin discussion of ASC instructors and courses (Draft report in progress, AS Homeless Course group met) Priority 1 - Roll out PD funds and CARE grants (PD funds distributed, 11/21 CARE grants funded) Academic Affairs Priorities (continued) Priority 1 - Work with Chancellor on time-critical issues (ASC Pilot projects with ASC staff and Student Affairs) Priority 1 - Work with Deans on College-related issues (Equipment request completed, review by EBC on Thursday, will soon announce a solution to Graduate Studies leadership, 1,2 & 3% reductions & new budget initiatives being proposed) Priority 1 - Work with Academic Senate on issues raised (Gen Ed reduction and course academic home under review, “Tuition Plateau” AS proposal - tentatively approved by Cabinet) Priority 1 - Work with FA/VTEM on issues raised (IR and Budget collecting Initial data for a compression study) Priority 2 - Begin to sort out Academic Affairs priorities for based on the new strategic plan (First meeting to start this project tomorrow morning) Academic Affairs Searches ° COB Dean (Offer pending) ° Vice Provost for Academic Affairs (Ad closes 2/8/13) ° Director Grants and Sponsored Programs (David McGinnis started 1/7/13, Cindy Bell transition) ° Director of MSUB Extended Campus (Ad closes 1/17/13) ° Executive Director of International Studies (Ad closes 2/4/13) ° Campus Director for e-Learning (Working with CIO to launch search this spring) 15 Month Review Revisit slides from interview ( )
Short Term Schedule ½ day visits with each department right away (not just academic, but units such as BS, SA, Foundation) Visit other campuses (COT, MSUB Downtown, MSU Bozeman, other MUS campuses, Helena & tribal leaders) Learn (culture/concerns/aspirations/expectations) Forge key partnerships (faculty, staff, students, deans, Pres., Chan., VC’s, Aca. Sen., MEA-MFT, Stu. Affs., donors) Complete current Interim Provost’s remaining initiatives Learn budget & begin to prepare for Assess teaching expertise, capacities, gaps, etc. Learn about any upcoming accreditations or reports due Most important – listen... then plan... then react!
Longer Term Study how we best attract and meet needs of the current constituency base and possible future MSUB learners Enhance current undergraduate and graduate offerings Clarify opportunities and strengths and then provide for appropriate learning, discovery, and engagement portfolio Systematically build our vision on existing foundation Gauge and then provide for a professional development plan for our faculty and staff with enhanced compensation Plan for future personnel, facility, or other resource needs Formulate organizational structure to accomplish the vision Develop/implement an action plan with associated funding Engage constituents (create enthusiasm and momentum)
Provost’s Personal Vision and Experience State of MT, MUS, MSU, President & Chancellor CollegeNow! Global, National, & State Issues in disciplines & service areas, Academic Senate, MEA-MFT Results of Listening Tour, & 5/2011 AA Draft Plan MSUB Vision Historical Strengths and Foundational Tenets of MSU and Billings Campus 2013 Provost Priorities Complete searches for: COB Dean, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Ex. Dir. ISO, and Director of MSUB Extended Campus Submit and gain approval for Year 3 NWCCU Report Establish permanent leadership for Graduate Studies Submit at least one of our new graduate degree program proposals onto the BOR docket for consideration Institutionalize responsibility, accountability, and reporting structures for the Futureu Strategic Planning initiative Work with each Provost area to formulate a unit Strategic Plan integrated with the Futureu plan (December 2013 deadline) Establish the MSUB Extended Campus concept and prepare draft organizational chart and unit scope and charter 2013 Provost Priorities (continued) Initiate and formalize a campus-wide strategy for increasing faculty compensation, including short and long-term strategies Complete first design phase for new Health/Science Building Organize and implement a full service (Pre-award through Post-award) Grants and Sponsored Programs Office Work with OCI to establish a Faculty Service Learning Award Work with IT to establish a Campus-wide e-learning Office Work with Academic Senate to determine a process to insure that all MSUB credit courses have an clearly defined academic home with oversight by appropriate MSUB faculty members Personal: Get married, Run 600 mi., Canoe first 1/2 of Wild & Scenic MO River, Summit Granite Pk.(?), Hike the “Beaten Path” Questions and Discussion Page 2 Dr. Marsha Riley, 1/17/2013 MSUB City College 2