Tonight Team attack principles (Mike) Team defence principles (Bailey)
Attack Fundamentals
Attack Main objective-to create a high percentage shot Good offences shoot LOTS! How do you create a ‘good’ shot? -Creating an opportunity where you have an extra man -Via dodge, cut, drawing a penalty
Attack ???????????
Essentially it is a formation
Different offences have different purposes Dodging / cut & feed Also of note: -inverting (simply short stick on short stick from ‘X’)
2-2-2 (World) Everybody on the outside Moving the ball around (shorten the passes) Idea is the settle into the attack/work out potential match-ups for a dodge Pass and pick opposite Switch Give and Go Maintain shape
2-3-1 Dodge from up top and behind Cut Back-up shots Everyone a threat Still can: -Pass and pick opposite -Switch -Give and Go
Defensive Fundamentals
Basic Principles No shots = no goals, low % shots = less goals 7 v 6 not 1 v1 Communication Positioning Sliding
Communication “I’ve got ball/man” “Left/Right” “I’m one/hot” “I’m two/I’ve got you” Goalkeeper communication
Positioning Stay the same distance apart – on a string Honour the ball carrier Collapse off ball Furthest man away form the ball, least threat
Positioning (2) Remember individual defensive positioning Do not overplay your man – will cause the whole defence problems Listen to the goalie
Sliding This is the reaction to the attack dodge Combination of individual and team fundamentals to prevent the attack from scoring Individual principles must be done well for team principles to be effective
Principles Defender 1 has ball/man Defender 3 is first slide Defender 4 is second slide Defender 2 has got left Defender 5 has got right Defender 6 is watching both man and ball EVERYONE is communicating
Principles (2) Defender 1 forces his man ‘down the alley’ As soon as the attacker has a step on defender 1, defender 3 slides to where the attacker WILL BE Defender 4 must cover the crease attacker whilst defender 3 slides Defender 1 must get to the crease to find a man All other defender must watch for their men cutting
Sliding where there is no crease man Slide round the outside Slide the opposite direction to the ball movement Defender 6 would be first slide if defender 1 was beaten down the alley Once defender 6 has slid he ‘pulls’ all the defenders with him