Monica Ellen Rizzo
The February Revolution ousted the Czar (Tsar) The new Liberal government decided to keep fighting Germany Germany helps Lenin return to Russia The October Revolution puts the Bolsheviks in power They propose peace and negotiations begin Dec March 1918 Peace agreements between Russia and Germany are signed
Kaiser Army Government
Sept 1918 Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg and General Eric Ludendorff inform Kaiser Wilhelm III that the war is lost Army suffers desertions and mutiny The Kaiser abdicates
A temporary cessation of fighting by mutual consent; a truce Signed November 9, 1918 Effective 11am November
Germany, beaten in the field, menaced by certain invasion and overwhelmed by internal revolution, capitulated to the Allies and accepted what will probably be the sternest terms of all time. The principal points are:
Evacuation by enemy of Rhineland
Allied garrisons at Mainz, Coblenz and Cologne to occupy territories
Immediate evacuation of Belgium, Alsace-Lorraine and Luxembourg.
Surrender of 5,000 guns and 2,000 aeroplanes. All submarines to be handed over. Disarming of six battle cruisers, ten battleships, eight light cruisers and 50 destroyers.
Abandonment of Bucharest and Brest-Litovsk treaties.
Allies reserve right to occupy Heligoland, to enable them to enforce the terms of the Armistice.
The Armistice, which was to last for 36 days, was signed at 5am by the German delegates. Hostilities ceased at 11am.
The Great War Lasted - Four years, 14 Weeks, and two days