1098: Christians Capture Antioch
Bohemond of Taranto alone mounts the walls of Antioch.
1098: Christians Capture Antioch
The massacre (murder) of Antioch's Jewish and Muslim people.
1099: Christians Capture Jerusalem
Here, Christians worship inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, where Jesus is believed to have been resurrected.
1099: Christians Capture Jerusalem The Crusaders worship the true cross after it is found in Jerusalem and placed in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
1144: Muslims Capture Edessa After the Muslims captured Edessa, a preacher named Bernard of Clairvaux persuaded the Christians to go on the Second Crusade to try to re-capture Edessa.
1148: German Army & French Army in Anatolia The German army, led by Konrad III, was badly beaten in Dorylee. Notice how Konrad’s army had to change its course. It would not be able to go straight to Edessa. The French army, led by Louis VII, took a different path but was still badly beaten in Antalya.
1148: Siege of Damascus Siege at Damascus Symbol of the French king Symbol of the German king
1187: Muslims Re-Capture Jerusalem Here you see the Christians surrendering to the Muslims, led by Saladin on horseback.
1187: Muslims Re-Capture Jerusalem Saladin, leader of the Muslims
1191: Christians, Led by Richard the Lionhearted, Capture Acre Muslims defending the walls of Acre
1191: Christians, Led by Richard the Lionhearted, Capture Acre Muslims surrender after the siege
1191: Christians, Led by Richard the Lionhearted, Capture Acre Richard the Lionhearted, leader of the Christians
1192: Peace Treaty Richard the Lionhearted leaving Jerusalem after signing the peace treaty
1212: Children’s Crusade
1291: Muslims Re-Capture Acre Christians defending the walls of Acre