Forensic Anthropology The Case of the Dead Guy at the Ol’ Tavern
Ol’ Tavern Death A 61-year old male was brought into the emergency room unresponsive and clinically “shocked out.” His blood pressure was unobtainable; his heart sounds irregular and distant; respirations grasping; his pupils dilated and fixed He was pronounced dead minutes after arrival at the emergency room.
Ol’ Tavern Death This man was found lying on his back in the parking lot behind a tavern. Gambling, drug trafficking, and prostitution were common place activities at the tavern. A witness observed a car suddenly speed out of the parking lot, run a red light, and leave the scene at a high rate of speed. Homicide detectives noted traumatic injuries and considered the man to have been beaten, robbed, and dumped from an automobile.
Autopsy Report Fractured right ribs #2-11 Fractured left rib #12 Right hemothorax (100ml) Contusions and lacerations of the right lung Extensive laceration of liver Hemoperitoneum Lacerations on the right kidney Natural disease Mild arteriosclerotic heart disease Moderate pulmonary emphysema Moderate to advanced fatty metamorphosis of the liver
Cause of Death What is “cause of death”? The cause of death refers to the medical reasons that death occurred such as “bleeding out” or “blunt force trauma to the head.” What was the cause of death of the man at the ol’ tavern? Trauma to the chest and abdomen
Manner of Death What is “manner of death”? Manner of death refers to the motive/reason why someone died. There is only 5 manners of death— Accidental Homicidal Natural Suicidal Undetermined
Manner of Death Question to answer: Was this man beaten to death? What kind of information would you need to determine Manner of Death?
Look at the Injury Pattern NOT suggestive of a beating Severe blunt crushing trauma with a major force vector directed obliquely with anterior and posterior force (fracturing ribs and lacerating internal organs) No injuries to hands or knuckles Defensive injuries not apparent Abrasions on skin was from pressure and not a sliding abrasion Not thrown from automobile No bumper impact Not struck by automobile
Toxicology Report Ethanol (Drink) Methanol (Wood) Isopropanol (Rubbing) BLOOD411 mg/dl*45.5 mg/dl*3.5 mg/dl* *Milligrams per deciliter (1/10 th liter)—100 mg/dl is 0. 1%
Lifestyle and Additional Findings Tavern owner stated that the victim was at his tavern that night The owner characterized the deceased as one of the nightly drunks The victim was an alcoholic who would drink ANYTHING– beer, wine, whiskey, rubbing alcohol The victim entered the bar late in the evening inebriated, purchased a few drinks, bummed several additional drinks, and staggered out of the tavern around 12:30 a.m.
Owner of the Speeding Auto Stated: He and a friend had been drinking heavily and left the tavern at about 1:00 a.m. The two walked to their automobile from the front of the tavern, backed up a short distance, and left the lot During the backing-up process, he felt a bump and thought he had backed into another automobile He left the parking lot hurriedly, fearing a DUI. His friend confirmed his story.
What is the Manner of Death? ACCIDENTAL
Why an Accident? The driver admitted drinking heavily and driving under the influence, but Reckless Homicide could not be filed since: No blood alcohol determinations were obtained The driver was located days later It could be argued that the victim’s extreme intoxicated state was probably a greater factor in placing him in a precarious position to be killed than the driver’s alleged intoxicated condition.