Empowering Passionate Disciples Equipping people to passionately Live like Jesus lived, Do what Jesus did, and Advance His kingdom together.
1 Peter 2:18-25 Submission & Injustice
Love One Another Fear God Be Holy Set Your Hope Salvation God’s Life & Government
Review Review When spiritual authority is truly understood and applied in life it… liberates vs. restricts, liberates vs. restricts, promotes creativity vs. conformity, promotes creativity vs. conformity, brings dependence on God vs. man, brings dependence on God vs. man, produces servanthood vs. servility, produces servanthood vs. servility, results in confidence vs. insecurity, results in confidence vs. insecurity, promotes a spirit of unity & peace promotes a spirit of unity & peace and releases God’s authority and power in our lives. and releases God’s authority and power in our lives.
Review Jesus lived in the context of authority... Jesus lived in the context of authority... Significance of Spiritual Authority
Review A Roman Military Officer... Matthew 8:5-13 Significance of spiritual authority to faith, relationship with God, & Kingdom life. Significance of spiritual authority to faith, relationship with God, & Kingdom life. Significance of Spiritual Authority
Review When In Authority When Under Authority Significance of Spiritual Authority
Review Principles Related to Delegated Authority… God has extended His authority in human life. God has extended His authority in human life. Action in the realm of delegated authority is action toward God. Action in the realm of delegated authority is action toward God. The realm of delegated authority is God’s sovereign determination. The realm of delegated authority is God’s sovereign determination.
Review Romans 13:1 Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. At “creation” humans with the created earth. At “creation” humans with the created earth. At “creation” family (husbands with wives; parents with children). At “creation” family (husbands with wives; parents with children). At “flood” human government with humanity. At “flood” human government with humanity. God’s Kingdom in OT Israel & NT Church leadership. God’s Kingdom in OT Israel & NT Church leadership.
Peter’s Realms of Spiritual Authority Submission Govt. 2:13-17 Empl 2:18-25 Marriage 3:1-7 One Another 3:8-12
Servants Submissive to Masters The Context...
1 Peter 2:18 (ESV) Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the unjust. 1 Peter 2:18 (NLT) You who are slaves must accept the authority of your masters with all respect. Do what they tell you—not only if they are kind and reasonable, but even if they are cruel. Servants Submissive to Masters The Command...
Servants Submissive to Masters The Command... vs. 18 Be subject to masters Be subject to masters with all respect(phobos) with all respect(phobos) to the good and gentle & the unjust(skoliois) to the good and gentle & the unjust(skoliois)
1 Peter 2:19–20 (ESV) For this is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly. 20 For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure? But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God. 1 Peter 2:19–20 (NLT) For God is pleased with you when you do what you know is right and patiently endure unfair treatment. 20 Of course, you get no credit for being patient if you are beaten for doing wrong. But if you suffer for doing good and endure it patiently, God is pleased with you. Servants Submissive to Masters The Challenge...
Servants Submissive to Masters The Challenge... vs endurance 2.God-conscious
1 Peter 2:21–23 (ESV) For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps. 22 He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. 23 When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly. 1 Peter 2:21–23 (NLT) For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps. 22 He never sinned, nor ever deceived anyone. 23 He did not retaliate when he was insulted, nor threaten revenge when he suffered. He left his case in the hands of God, who always judges fairly. Servants Submissive to Masters The Challenge...
Servants Submissive to Masters The Challenge... vs endurance 2.be God-conscious 3.follow Jesus’ pattern
Servants Submissive to Masters The Challenge... vs Jesus’ pattern(hupographo) 1.blameless of sin or verbal treason; unjustly accused and abused 2.did not insult or retaliate in return 3.entrusted Himself to God
1 Peter 2:24–25 (ESV) He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. 25 For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. 1 Peter 2:24–25 (NLT) He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed. 25 Once you were like sheep who wandered away. But now you have turned to your Shepherd, the Guardian of your souls. Servants Submissive to Masters The Resultant Gospel...
Principles Regarding Unjust Authorities
1.Principle of Honoring God’s Delegated Authority 1 Samuel 24:4-7 The men said, “This is the day the Lord spoke of when he said to you, ‘I will give your enemy into your hands for you to deal with as you wish.’” Then David crept up unnoticed and cut off a corner of Saul’s robe. Afterward, David was conscience-stricken for having cut off a corner of his robe. He said to his men, “The Lord forbid that I should do such a thing to my master, the Lord’s anointed, or lift my hand against him; for he is the anointed of the Lord.” With these words David rebuked his men and did not allow them to attack Saul. And Saul left the cave and went his way.
Principles Regarding Unjust Authorities Acts 23:2-5 At this the high priest Ananias ordered those standing near Paul to strike him on the mouth. Then Paul said to him, “God will strike you, you whitewashed wall! You sit there to judge me according to the law, yet you yourself violate the law by commanding that I be struck!” Those who were standing near Paul said, “You dare to insult God’s high priest?” Paul replied, “Brothers, I did not realize that he was the high priest; for it is written: ‘Do not speak evil about the ruler of your people.’”
Principles Regarding Unjust Authorities 2.Principle of Appeal Daniel 1:8 (NLT) But Daniel was determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the king. He asked the chief of staff for permission not to eat these unacceptable foods.
Principles Regarding Unjust Authorities 3.Principle of Ultimate Authority & Submission to Consequence Daniel 3:17–18 (NLT) If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. 18 But even if he doesn’t, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up.”
Principles Regarding Unjust Authorities 4.Principle of Legal Position Acts 22:25, 29 As they stretched him out to flog him, Paul said to the centurion standing there, “Is it legal for you to flog a Roman citizen who hasn’t even been found guilty?” 29 Those who were about to question him withdrew immediately. The commander himself was alarmed when he realized that he had put Paul, a Roman citizen, in chains.
Principles Regarding Unjust Authorities HOW THEN SHALL WE LIVE? 1.Always honor God’s delegated authority. 2.One should look for every possible way to obey God’s delegated authority.
Principles Regarding Unjust Authorities HOW THEN SHALL WE LIVE? 3.Submission is absolute. Obedience is relative. 4.Delegated authorities which issue commands that clearly contradict God’s commands are to be given submission but not obedience.
Principles Regarding Unjust Authorities HOW THEN SHALL WE LIVE? 5.You can make a respectful appeal when a delegated authority’s command contradicts God. 6.You can respectfully take advantage of legal rights in the context of injustice by delegated authorities. 7.Be willing to suffer the consequences of submissive disobedience.
Principles Regarding Unjust Authorities HOW THEN SHALL WE LIVE?
Empowering Passionate Disciples Equipping people to passionately Live like Jesus lived, Do what Jesus did, and Advance His kingdom together.