Beaten Metalwork Quiz
Centre Punch Centre Square 1.Name the tool shown below Nail Punch Parallel Punch Centre Drill Scriber
2. Which tool should be used to mark out a circle? Odd Leg Callipers A RuleAn Engineers Square Spring Dividers
Cross Pein Hammer Sledge Hammer Claw Hammer 3. Name the hammer shown below Blocking Hammer Repousse Hammer Ball Pein Hammer Planishing Hammer
The Mortise Machine The Crucible Furnace The Guillotine The Spot Welder 4. Name the piece of equipment shown below The Strip Heater The Forge The Arc Welder The Lathe
Cross Pein Hammer Sledge Hammer Claw Hammer 5. Name the hammer shown below Blocking Hammer Repousse Hammer Ball Pein Hammer Planishing Hammer
6. What is this tool called? A Repousse Stake A Half Round Stake Round Stake Anvil
Cross Pein Hammer Sledge Hammer Claw Hammer 7. Name the hammer shown below Blocking Hammer Repousse Hammer Ball Pein Hammer Planishing Hammer
8. Name this hand tool.. Engineers Pliers Tin snips Diagonal Cutters Guillotine
9. Which tool is most suited to cut 300 x 300 x 0.5mm steel sheet into strips ? A Hacksaw TinsnipsThe Gabro guillotine Jnr Hacksaw 0.5mm steel sheet
Welding Casting Case Hardening 10. The process of heating a metal then allowing it to cool to relieve any internal stresses is called ? Annealing Work Hardening Forging Planishing
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