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This U.S. President was forced to resign to avoid impeachment for his involvement in the Watergate scandal
Who is Richard Nixon?
A sudden overthrow of the government
What is a coup d'état?
A release from all or part of the punishment for sin; formerly sold by the Catholic Church
What is an indulgence?
He invaded England and soundly defeated King Harold at the Battle of Hastings
Who was William of Normandy or William the Conqueror?
The 5 Pillars of Islam (in correct order)
What are the declaration, prayer, giving, fasting, and the Hajj?
The belief that people should be as free as possible from government restraints
What is Liberalism?
People interested in finding new business opportunities and new ways to make profits
What is an entrepreneur?
Political philosophy based on tradition and social stability
What is Conservatism?
The belief that people owe loyalty to a nation
What is nationalism?
The movement to end slavery (was growing more popular in the north)
What is abolitionism?
The legislation that limited the number of hours children could work
What is the Factory Act of 1833?
The Prussian Prime Minister who accomplished the unification of Germany
Who was Otto von Bismarck?
By the 1830s, two- thirds of the British cotton industry’s workforce were these two demographics
Who were women and children?
The act that established a self- governing Canadian nation
What was the British North America Act?
This group of Americans believed in a strong centralized government
Who were the Federalists?
The steam engine, powered by coal, was crucial to Britain’s Industrial Revolution.
The factory created a new labor system in which workers had to work regular hours and do the same work over and over.
The Ottomans lost the Crimean War.
While looking for a successful country to model its reunification after, Germany chose the strong and militaristic state of Great Britain.
Immediately after the Franco-Prussian War, the Prussians, who were badly beaten by the French, were now considered a part of France.
The most important factor in the development of an American transportation system was this
What is the Railroad?
Liberals in Europe believed in the protection of these
What are civil liberties?
By the mid-1800s, this was becoming a threat to the United States’ unity
What was slavery?
According to this, the great powers of Europe had the right to send armies in countries where there were revolutions in order to restore legitimate monarchs to power.
What is the Principle of Intervention?
The pitiful conditions created by the Industrial Revolution made some people more inclined to this idealogy
What is Socialism?
Make your wager
The reason Louis- Napoleon (or Napoleon III) lost power
What was France losing the Franco- Prussian War?