+ A021 Human Resources Frame Boleman and Deal
+ Human Resources Assumptions Organizations exist to serve human needs People and organizations need each other When the fit between individual and the system are poor, one or both suffer. Organizations need ideas and energy; people need careers and salary. A good fit benefits both. Individuals find meaning in their work, organizations get their talent and energy. 2
+ Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (1954): 1. Physiological (oxygen, water, food, etc.) 2. Safety 3. Belongingness and love 4. Esteem 5. Self-actualization 3
+ McGregor’s Theory X and Y Theory X Subordinates are passive and lazy Have no ambition Resistant to change Theory Y Task of management is to arrange conditions so that people can achieve their goals 4
+ Human Resource Strategies Build and implement an HRM initiative Hire the right people Keep them Invest in them Empower them Promote diversity 5
+ First Who, then What! (Collins) When you have the right people on the bus, they will motivate each other. The right people will do the rights things, regardless of the incentive system Let people know that you are expecting A+ performance from those who are on the bus Avoid “genius with a thousand helpers” syndrome. 6
+ Rigorous, not Ruthless When in doubt, don’t hire, keep looking When you know you need to make a people change, act. Put your best people on your biggest opportunities, not your biggest problems 7