Archdiocese of Philadelphia Volleyball Tournament November 2 and 3, 2012
General Rules Playoffs are single elimination, bracket play. Have your team ready to play at least fifteen (15) minutes prior to your scheduled start time (especially Saturday). All matches are best 2 sets out of 3. Deciding (third) set will be played to 15 and NO switching sides at 8. No cap. PIAA Rules with exceptions noted. Please see additional slides for more information.
Playing Sites Friday, November 2 (Start time 6:30 P.M.) First (1 st ) and Second (2 nd ) rounds will be played at a site determined by each Region winner. Each Region winner is responsible for locating a suitable facility to host two (2) matches. Two (2) pre-determined non-region winners will play the first (1 st ) match. That winner will stay and play the Host Team (Region Winner). Saturday, November 3 All matches will be played at Archbishop John Carroll HS beginning at 2:00 PM. Doors will not open until 1:15PM.
Admissions Admissions tables will be set up at all locations. This helps to defray the costs of officials. Please inform the parents of the players and any others persons deemed appropriate. Host Team is responsible for collecting admissions. Winner of 2 nd match on Friday night is responsible for bringing admission money collected to Carroll on Saturday and giving it to Bill Collins. Costs will be: –$1.00 per child –$2.00 per adult –$5.00 per family
Club Recruiting There will NO CLUB RECRUITING. This includes literature, conversations or any other form of recruitment. Please allow the girls to focus on the games they have worked so hard to reach and not impressing a club or high school coach. Any violation of this will result in the immediate removal of the offending parties.
Forfeit Times –Start of match - forfeit first (1st) set. –Ten (10) minutes after scheduled start time – forfeit second (2nd) set. –Forfeit scores shall be recorded as –Please allow time for traffic and getting lost!!!!
Illegal Equipment –NO JEWELRY – NO EXCEPTIONS String bracelets or anklets, chains, earrings of any sort, necklaces, etc. NO TAPING OF JEWELRY IS PERMITTED REGARDLESS OF REASON –Hair barrettes are permitted assuming they are flat –Headbands or bandanas are permitted as long as they are worn as such. –Hair beads are permitted as long as they are secure. If they are not secure, team member may not play –Braces, splints, etc are permitted only by referee’s discretion and must be padded –Penalty if noticed during warm-ups will be team delay if not removed quickly. If noticed after game begins, team delay will be given regardless of timely removal
Prior to Match –A short prayer will be conducted before and after each match. –Work team must provide two (2) line judges, one (1) scorekeeper, one (1) libero tracker and one (1) visual scoreboard operator. –A coach MUST be with the teams at the table at all times. –Warm up time will be 4 minutes each team. If serving time is desired, do so in the allocated time. NO SHARED COURT TIME. –Serving team will have the court first. –Lineups must be provided to the score table no later than three (3) minutes prior to start of match –One (1) coach from each team MUST be present during referee’s instructions to captains. –Official will determine one team to be heads and the other to be tails during the coin toss. –Winner of initial coin toss will choose serve, side or receive. –Teams will line up along the back line before the match and stay until summoned on the court by the referee
Play –Best two (2) out of three (3) sets. First two (2) rally scoring to twenty-five (25), win by two (2) points, no cap. –Deciding (third) set will be played to fifteen (15), win by two (2) points, no cap, no switching sides. –There is a three (3) minute break in between sets. Lineups are due one (1) minute prior to end of duration. –Two (2) timeouts will be granted per set. Each will be thirty (30) seconds in duration. –Libero jersey must be different in color and contrast from the rest of the team. If it is not easily differentiable, the referee may disallow Libero use.
Post match –Teams will line up along the back line after the match and stay until summoned to shake hands by the referee. –Referee must sign score sheet verifying correct results.
Crowd control / general conduct –Each team is responsible for the conduct of their parents, fans, players, etc towards other teams, players, parents, officials, etc. –Referees, Tournament or Site Directors have the authority to ask parents to leave the facility if continued conduct warrants. –It is up to the head coach of team to control their parents. –Forfeit may be declared if problems continue
Rules continued –It is the coaches’ responsibility to make sure they are familiar with all PIAA Volleyball rules with some exceptions. Serving time and re-toss –One (1) re-toss per serve, eight (8) seconds to serve (different from PIAA rule) Blood –Any sign of blood on a player will immediately mandate that player be removed from the game, timeout taken, etc. to deal with the situation. –Blood on uniform eliminates uniform – not player - from play. Other uniform may be put on as long it is not from another player on bench. T-shirt may be used. –Anything hanging from the ceiling (flags, banners, etc) is considered part of the ceiling and will be called as such.
Rules –Raised basketball backboards are considered part of the ceiling. Lowered backboards are an automatic dead ball and the result is a judgment call on the part of the referee as to a point or a replay. –Players MAY NOT completely cross the center line or purposely kick the ball for any reason. However, incidental contact below the waist is legal. –Incidental net contact is limited to such things as hair. –Players may not step in the court or on the end line to serve.
Tournament Director Bill Collins – (Home) – (Cell)