James Lewis Mann Annie Kate Darcy Maritza
Born on November 7, 1872, in Abbeville County Died on October 24, 1943 Attended college at twelve years old Biography Started teaching career at fifteen years old Received his B.A. degree from Emory College ( Emory University in Atlanta) First taught in Oates School in Darlington County
Biography Two years later became the Superintendent of Schools in Lancaster and Florence County Established the South Carolina Industrial School in Florence Went back to study at the University of Berlin and University of Grenoble Received Doctor of Philosophy with Honors from Emory College he became superintendent of Greensboro, North Carolina Schools
1916- became the superintendent of Greenville County School System Dr. Mann School System: 2000 students, 40 teachers Six schools under his control First Class to graduate in 1916 had 8 students Last Class to graduate in 1940 had 379 students Established system of free textbooks Biography
Sara Amelia Moss of Orangeburg Four children -James L., Jr. -Margaret -Kitty -Dorothy (died at the age of 4) Attended Buncombe Street Methodist Church
Dr. Mann helped Greenville County Schools received wide recognition and acclaim throughout the South. When Mann died, a series of resolutions were written by teachers of Greenville County Schools. One example follows: - “Our country, and state and nation stand in need of more men of his caliber in the sphere of leadership in education.” In 1965 Greenville County School District Trustees approved Ridge Road Junior and Senior High as J.L. Mann High School Biography
This quote is found on the plaque below the bust of JL Mann at Greenville High School. "I'd rather be loved by children, Than crowned by world's acclaim. Give me the trust of children's love, and that is by dream of fame.” -J.L. Mann J. L. Mann High School was opened on July 1, At its opening, J.L. Mann High included grades J.L. Mann High is now J.L. Mann Academy
Bibliography: y.htm.This site had information on the school J.L. Mann and the history of the founder James Lewis Mann tm This site had the Mann Alma Mater. 1&q=JL+Mann. Picture from slide 1 came from site Greenville News, 1945, (Various Articles in Greenville County Library J.L. Mann File) This information packet included biographical information on James Mann. This site has the picture from slide 7