Shaping Hearts For God Series High School Bible Class Vegas Drive Church of Christ Las Vegas, NV Studies in the Life of Jesus Christ
STOP…LOOK…LISTEN LESSON FIFTEEN Today’s Lesson: That’s A Great Story! Theme: Learning from the parables of Jesus Objective: To understand Jesus’ use of parables to teach important morals and commandments Key passages: Matt. 13:10-13, 16-17, 44-46; Luke 15:1-32
STOP…LOOK…LISTEN Matt. 13:1-9, – Why do some people not listen to God’s word? Some seeds fell beside the road and birds ate them – They hear but do not understand or reject it outright Some seeds fell on rock, no depth of soil, sprang up quickly, withered – Zealous at first, but burn out from discouragement, misunderstanding Some seeds fell among thorns, choked out – They get discouraged or give in to temptation and fall away Matt. 13:10-13, 16-17, – What is a parable? – What is the difference between a parable and a fable? – Why did Jesus use parables? – Were His parables effective?
STOP…LOOK…LISTEN Luke 15:1-32 – What did the shepherd risk to go after the lost sheep? – To what extent did the woman search for the lost coin? – Why did the father run out to his younger son? Why was the older son angry about it? Next time: lesson 16!