Deriving Nouns from Numerals NooJ2010 Komotini 1/15 Deriving Adjectives and Nouns from Numerals Kristina Vučković, Sara Librenjak, Zdravko Dovedan University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science {kvuckovi, NooJ2010 Komotini
Deriving Nouns from Numerals NooJ2010 Komotini 2/15 Overview of the work 1.about numerals in Croatian : pg. 3 2.counting masculine nouns : pg different meanings -ICA : pg approximate number : pg. 9 5.dividers : pg. 10 – 11 6.different meanings –OJKA|-ORKA : pg. 12 – 13 7.results : pg. 14
Deriving Nouns from Numerals NooJ2010 Komotini 3/15 About numerals numerals as numbers 1, 3, 5, 15, 25, 100, 1450, … numerals as words jedan, tri, pet, petnaest, dvadeset i pet, sto, … one, three, five, fifteen, twenty five, hundred, … numerals as prefix to adjectives jednodnevni, tromjesečni, petogodišnji, … of one day, of three months, of five years, … numerals as nouns numerals + suffix (-ICA | -ORKA | - AK | -INA) dvadesetica, dvadesetorka, dvadesetak, dvadesetina
Deriving Nouns from Numerals NooJ2010 Komotini 4/15 counting masculine nouns intead of using a number dva dječaka -> two boys numeral nouns can be used 2: dva -> dvojica dječaka 3: tri -> trojica dječaka 4: četiri -> četvorica dječaka 5: pet -> petorica dječaka 6: šest -> šestorica dječaka 7: sedam -> sedmorica dječaka 8: osam -> osmorica dječaka 9: devet -> devetorica dječaka 10: deset -> desetorica dječaka followed by Noun Genitive masculine plural
Deriving Nouns from Numerals NooJ2010 Komotini 5/15 ICA
Deriving Nouns from Numerals NooJ2010 Komotini 6/15 ICA -> (2..9)*10(2..9)*100
Deriving Nouns from Numerals NooJ2010 Komotini 7/15 grade in school|size of clothes | money bill dvica – (2) grade in school|size of clothes trica – (3) grade in school|size of clothes petica – (5) grade in school|size of clothes jedanaestica – (11) size of clothes pedesetica – (50) size of clothes | money bill of 50 stotica – (100) size of clothes | money bill of 100
Deriving Nouns from Numerals NooJ2010 Komotini 8/15 ICA 2
Deriving Nouns from Numerals NooJ2010 Komotini 9/15 approximate number numerals: 9 through 20 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 meaning ‘approximately’ devetak dječaka – around 9 boys stotinjak dječaka – around 100 boys followed by
Deriving Nouns from Numerals NooJ2010 Komotini 10/15 dividers when part of something (not time): trećina dječaka – one third of boys petina dječaka – one fifth of boys dvije trećine dječaka – two thirds of boys when part of time: trećinka vremena – one third of time petinka vremena – one fifth of time all are in feminine gender
Deriving Nouns from Numerals NooJ2010 Komotini 11/15 INA -> 1/3, 3/5, 7/27…
Deriving Nouns from Numerals NooJ2010 Komotini 12/15 Grade | group of # people dvojka – 2 | twins | group of 2 people petorka – 5 | quintuplets| group of 5 people dvanaestorka – 12 | duodecaplets | group of 12 people tridesetorka – 30 | twins | group of 30 people all are Nouns in feminine gender
Deriving Nouns from Numerals NooJ2010 Komotini 13/15 OJKA|ORKA ->
Deriving Nouns from Numerals NooJ2010 Komotini 14/15 Measures 288 examples all were marked all were correct Precision : 100 Recall : 100 f-measure : 100
Deriving Nouns from Numerals NooJ2010 Komotini 15/15