Newspaper A year 9 project
What you will produce A newspaper containing Stories Pictures Headlines about things which interest you and your group. It will give you a chance to practice and learn about desk top publishing.
What you might include Stories and articles about Sports and sport stars – is there a new haircut to write about Pop music – who is at number !?? School news – what is the latest gossip? Dates – what is happening ( any events or parties) Advertisements – could you raise money by selling space? Cartoons or jokes – but in the best possible taste
How are newspapers laid out The next slides show you common parts of a newspaper
Newspapers have undergone many design changes over the years to make them more attractive to the reader.
Everything that goes with a story or an article is “packaged” together. This includes the:
1. text
2. headline
1. text 2. headline 3. photos This type of newspaper design is called a ‘modular layout’.
Modular Design Modular design is based on the ideas of Piet Mondrian, and uses a set of modules on the page. The page is built with modules, or rectangular units, which fit together to form a larger rectangle.
This is an example of a painting by Piet Mondrian, called Composition in Red, Yellow and Blue. His paintings are renowned worldwide for their balance and sense of proportion which convey a highly geometric and mathematical design.
Each story, including text, headline, artwork, photography, and other elements, is contained within a single module One module usually stands out. This module contains the lead story. Lines and boxes are often used to mark out the modules. Photo Art Headline Caption Byline Text
How are headlines written? The next slides show you the tricks of the trade!!
Headlines generally consist of two parts, a primary and a secondary.
The primary head captures the reader’s attention….
The secondary headline adds information found in the story.
There are three main ways to lay out a headline
1. Hammer 2. Kicker 4. Wicket
Hammer: A hammer consists of the primary on top of the secondary. Reign & Rain Fifteen centimeters of pouring rain don’t dampen festivities Primary Secondary
Wicket: A wicket consists of two or more lines of secondary over the primary. ‘I had spent £45 getting my hair done, and I wasn’t about to ruin it before the dance, so I left the early.’- -Jill Smith Rain & Reign Secondary Primary
Kicker: A kicker consists of one line of secondary on top of the primary. Secondary Primary Five centimeters of rain don’t dampen festivities Reign & Rain