P ROGRAMS E NTERPRISES MOBILE BILLBOARD OVERVIEW 2nd Flr GoldenSun Realty Bldg Mindanao Ave., Q.C. 1105, Phils. TeleFax: Voice: WebSite: or * Researchers * Consultants * Independent Marketing Contractors*
Mobile Billboard Package Our Company™ offers a package with many attached services which will compliment your mobile billboard advertising campaign. Our Standard Package includes: *Custom designed routes *Flexible contract duration *High quality billboard design *Product or literature distribution at scheduled stops *Automated Billboard warehousing for future campaigns *Full & Comprehensive Weekly Report Future Campaign Option will include: *GPS route tracking *Multiple vehicle blitz campaigns *Full market data statistics information
Standard Package Custom designed routes: We™ provide the ability to design custom routes, which will enable your advertising campaign to target specific locations at specific times. This service will maximize the effect of your campaign. Our knowledge of the Metro Manila area is an integral part of our expertise that will make all the difference for the success of your mobile billboard. This service affords you the ability to be in complete control of your campaign. Flexible contract duration: We offer several packages from a minimum of One(1) Month to Twelve (12) Month campaign period. This will enable you to determine the appropriate duration of the contract. In conjunction with our standard packages, extended or customized contracts can be negotiated. High quality billboard design: We™ pride ourselves on offering the highest quality graphic design services available. Our seamless billboards are created using a high resolution graphics design. This type of quality will not be found on traditional billboards. The attention to detail will provide a crisp, clean, professional appearance for all your advertising campaigns. Our billboards are designed to be durable and weather proof. This allows you to conduct advertising campaign in wet climate conditions as well as the blistering heat of the summer. Product or literature distribution at scheduled stops: We understand that the needs of every client are different. We™ offer scheduled stops and appearances in which our pre- trained drivers will distribute your literature or a sample of your product to prospective customers. Public relations at its best! Automated Billboard Warehousing: We are pleased to offer our clients secure automated billboard warehousing. We provide this service in order to facilitate our clients’ future advertising needs. This service will result in a significant savings to you on production costs. The warehousing of your billboards will also enable us to reactivate your campaign with little or no down time. Full & Comprehensive Weekly Report: Our Company will religiously submit to our client a full weekly report that will cover the routes taken, daily itinerary, kilometer reading and public inquiries during the scheduled stops of our mobile billboards. This will assure the client that they are getting a full service and above all, their monies worth.
Campaign Option/s GPS route tracking: Our future service innovation will offer you the ability to monitor the routes taken by our mobile billboard/s in real time in the near future with an accuracy of plus or minus Five (5) meters from their actual positions. This will further assure you that minimum guaranteed routes and commuting hours are complied with. Multiple vehicle blitz campaigns: Our Company™ will offer you the ability of having a multiple vehicle campaign. This will further enhance the impact of your campaign allowing you to target several areas simultaneously. Full market data statistics information: Although our Company™ is dedicated to providing our clients with the tools necessary in order to develop a campaign, which will be catered to the clients’ company needs, this would only be realizable and available at no extra cost as we progress in the business of Mobile Advertising. However, we can readily offer demographic as well as market research data for our clients that engage in contracts with an extended duration at an additional but reasonable cost.
OUR Contract Duration, Schedules of Fees & Services Please note that the contract prices include the full standard Mobile Billboard package with a guarantee of 26days, Six (6) hours, 60 Kilometers per day BillBoard Exposure a Month, inclusive of the Vehicle (Mobile Billboard), Vehicle Wrapping, Administrative, Fuel & Personnel Wage Costs. Minimum: One (1) Month Contract P 87,500.00, Fifty (50.00%) Percent downpayment, balance payable after Fifteen (15) days. Standard: Three (3) Month Contract P 192,500.00, Forty (40.00%) Percent downpayment, balance payable in two (2) equal payments of P57, on a 30 day interval. Extended: Six (6) Month Contract P 350,000.00, Thirty (30.00%) Percent downpayment, balance payable in two (5) equal payments of P 49, on a 30 day interval. Further note that subsequent payment/s will be based on DAY 1 of Campaign. Service Schedule: Proofing~Billboard Layout3~5 days upon downpayment/contract signing Billboard Installation/ Car Wrapping7~10 days after proof approval First Campaign Day5~6 days after Client Inspection Total Window Time Required15~21 days
OUR Costs VS Traditional Advertising Costs Unlike traditional advertising like commercials on TV or newspapers and magazines you cannot turn us off or put “it” down. This is the perfect method for promoting incoming events and new products, as mobile billboards give you absolute control over where and when your message is seen. Mobile Billboards reach target audiences by traveling where a client directs. Mobile Billboards provide businesses of all sizes, an innovative marketing tool at an affordable rate! Check out our rates, compare them and you will realise the advantages and cost saving of hiring a mobile billboard for your next New Product Rollouts, Event Marketing, Sales Promotions or any other information campaign. Advertising Medium Cost Comparison Mobile Billboard Cost VS Traditional Advertising Tool 4.70%of½ Page of Standard BroadSheet 5.50%ofTV Commercial (30sec.) 11.30%of¼ Page of Leading Magazine 30.00%ofSpot Billboard 18.20%ofRadio Commercial (30secs.)
Facts and Statistics About Mobile Advertising Product Acceptance Survey 91 out of a 100 people surveyed said that they do notice words and pictures on mobile billboards 75 out of a 100 people developed a favorable impression of the company when graphics were used 29 out of a 100 people surveyed said they would base a buying decision on these impressions
MOBILE Billboards Sample/s