PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍 Waveguide System for Linear Collider Woon-Ha Hwang Linac Division Pohang Accelerator Laboratory 2005,12,28.


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Presentation transcript:

PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍 Waveguide System for Linear Collider Woon-Ha Hwang Linac Division Pohang Accelerator Laboratory 2005,12,28

PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍 Design Parameter of Tesla RF System Parameter UnitValue Mass EnergyE b [GeV]500 No of Klystron584(572) No. of Accelerating Structure21024 No of Cavity for One Klystron36 Accelerating GradientE acc [MV/m]23.4 Maximum Beam CurrentI b [mA]9.5 RF Frequencyf RF [GHz]1.3 Active Length[km]21.8 Klystron Peak Power[MW]9.5(2*5) RF Average Power[kW]150 Peak RF Power for Cavity[kW]231 Drive Power by SSA[W]160 Repetition Ratef rep [Hz}10 RF Pulse LengthT RF [us]1370 Beam Pulse LengthT b [us]950 Cavity Fill TimeT fill [us]420 High Voltage Pulse Length[ms]1.7

PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍 RF Power Waveguide Distribution - Distribution of klystron output power to the super-conducting cavities - Protection of the klystron from reflected power - Control of phase and Q ext

PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍 RF Power Components -10MW muti-beam klystron ; two RF output windows ; 36, 9-cell cavities ; three modules(3x17m) -RF distribution ; two symmetrical systems ; each supplying 18 cavities - Linear system branching ; directional couplers ; long parallel waveguide lines can be avoided - Circulators ; to protect the klystron against reflected power - Three-stub waveguide transformer ; possibility of 500 phase adjustment ; impedance matching range between WG and input coupler ; each stub is equipped with a motor

PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍 RF Waveguide Components for Operation with Air

PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍 RF Waveguide Distribution Status of TESLA - Waveguide components for TESLA have been developed in cooperation with industry or are standard of the shelves components - Operation experience of 10 years from TTF - Development of integrated components has been started(e.g. circulator with integrated load) - Development of a high power circulator (1MW)for operation with air and development of new tuners (E-H, or inductive tuner) have been started ParameterTESLAPLS Operating Frequency [GHz] Waveguide TypeWR650WR284 Dimension6.5” x 3.25”2.84” x 1.34” MaterialCopper Frequency Range [GHz]

PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍

PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍

PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍 Linac Parameters of ILC/European

PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍 Input Coupler for Super-Conducting Cavity Rectangular to Coaxial

PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍

PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍

PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍 Measurement of Cavity Parameters for Klystrons (Measurement of Klystron Input Cavity) Hook Coupling Network Analyzer S 11  Tuning Pot To Anode

PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍 Measurement of Input Cavity Parameters - Measurement Results for Klystron Input Cavity(Ginzton Method)  = 2.83, Q 0 = 2546, Q L = 664 Smith Chart SWR

PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍 Development of 140MW Waveguide Valve (At At 30Hz, 3  sec) Reflected Power ; 9 MW Incident Power ; 140 MW

PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍 High Power Test Facility(TWR) - Ring Power ; 30 Hz, 4.  sec, 200 MW

PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍 Development of SiC Load - 50 MW at 1  s and 50 Hz - 12 MW at 4  s and 50 Hz - 20 MW at 4  s and 10 Hz Results of power handling capability ParametersStep IStep IIStep III Pulse Width (  s) 144 Repetition Rate (Hz) Peak Power (MW) Temperature Rise ( o C)6.4> Radiation (mR/hr)< 0.1> 20< 0.1 Vacuum (Torr )< 2.4 x 10 -8

PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍 Development of SLED for K12 Module Input Power ; 60MW for 4usec with 10Hz Output Power ; 200MW for 1usec with 10Hz 3dB Power Divider SLED Cavity

PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍 - PLS A/C Tuning System - Phase Tuning of Waveguide Branches - High Power performance Test - Measurement of Dielectric Constant for Ceramic,SiC - Design of rf components(Load, Power Divider,Coupler..) RF Measurement Technique

PAL/POSTECH 제 2 회 한국 국제선형충돌가속기 워크숍 Summary - All main components for the TESLA RF system are available today - For all components at least two vendors are available and many components are standard catalog products - Improvements for more cost efficient and enhanced reliable components are underway Working in Tesla Wish for Collaboration Works in Collider - Collaboration of Design of Waveguide Components - Fabrication of Waveguide Components - Low/High Power Test of WG Components - Waveguide Components ; RF Load, 3-Stub Tuner, Hybride Coupler, E/H Bends, Circulator