Extended Range NIR Wavelength Standard Gabor J. Kemeny, Ph.D. Kemtek Analytical, Inc. PAT Subcommittee February 25th 2002
SRM 1920a Calibration Range
Uncalibrated NIR Wavelength Range
Comparison of NIST and KTA Wavelength Standards
Interlaboratory Collaborative Study Participants –University –National Laboratory –Private Industry Instruments –5 FT-NIR + 1 Dispersive (Reference) –Integrating sphere, DRIFTS, Fiber optics Methods –Analysis of band center algorithms –Analysis of the effect of instruments and sample optics –Effect of temperature
Physical Format of the Standard
Summary KTA 1920x could supercede the SRM 1920a Interlaboratory study established bands to +/ cm-1 Temperature dependence is very minimal in a wide temperature range KTA is looking for partners to distribute the reflectance wavelength standard and other standards