Hinode’s Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) Data acquisition and calibration primer Presented by Jason Scott.


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Presentation transcript:

Hinode’s Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) Data acquisition and calibration primer Presented by Jason Scott

EIS specs Wavelength range: A and A Angular resolution: 2” Spectral/Velocity resolution: 3km/s for Doppler velocities, 20km/s for line widths Temporal resolution: –In spectroscopy mode: < 1s in dynamic events ~ 10s in active regions –In imaging mode: monochromatic imaging of an active region (~4x4 arc min) in 3s for dynamic events, 10s otherwise. FOV: 360"x512"

EIS long wavelength IonTemp Wavelength (log)A Fe XIII He II S XIII Fe XIV Si X Fe XVI Fe XIV Fe XIV Fe XIV Fe XV EIS short wavelength IonTempWavelength(log) A Fe XI Fe X Fe XII Fe XII Fe XI Fe XI Fe X Fe XII Fe XI Fe XII Ca XIV Fe XII Fe XII Fe XIII Fe XII Fe XIII Fe XIII Fe XIII Fe XIII Fe XIII Fe XIII

Windows Four slit / slot windows –Slits 1 arcsec 2 arcsec May be rastered to create an image –Slots 40 arcsec 266 arcsec


Finding your data set/s EIS Mapper –

MSSL EIS data archive

Getting the Data Locally –Gallatin /Volumes/Harddisk2/Data/EIS/ External –MSSL EIS data archive DARTS ?

EIS wiki Linked to MSSL Hinode site

EIS software
