Electromagnetic Spectrum (C) Copyright all rights reserved
Today I Will Learn Defining characteristics of various types of radiation. Location of various types of radiation along the electromagnetic spectrum in relation to other kinds or radiation. How radiation is used or found in our everyday lives or in certain industries. (C) Copyright all rights reserved
Science Starter On your Science Starter sheet answer the following questions: 1. (C) Copyright all rights reserved
Science Starter 1. (C) Copyright all rights reserved
Science Starter 2. Which of these three waves (A,B, or C) have the highest frequency? (C) Copyright all rights reserved
Science Starter 2. Which of these three waves (A,B, or C) have the highest frequency? (C) Copyright all rights reserved
Science Starter 3. In your own words describe the relationship between wave frequency and the energy of the wave. As the frequency of a wave increases, so does the energy of the wave. The higher the frequency, the higher the energy of the radiation. Copyright all rights reserved
Electromagnetic Spectrum Poster Project Each group of students will be assigned a specific form of radiation to research. Groups may use electronic devices to research their specific radiation. Guidelines for Poster Project are on the handout Use Rubric to guide poster creation, this will be used to grade the poster. Be sure to cite sources appropriately. Completed posters will be displayed to complete a gallery walk (C) Copyright all rights reserved
Lets Get Started! Draw a card to determine the type of radiation they will focus on. Work together in a group to complete your poster Class is now in green zone, you have permission to utilize technology. (C) Copyright all rights reserved is-grand/think-big-think-green-entrepreneurs-pursue- green-technology/