Week 9 Maxwell’s Equations
Demonstrated that electricity, magnetism, and light are all manifestations of the same phenomenon: the electromagnetic field
Electric charges generate fields ◦ Charges generate electric fields ◦ Moving charges generate magnetic fields Fields interact with each other ◦ changing electric field acts like a current, generating vortex of magnetic field ◦ changing magnetic field induces (negative) vortex of electric field Fields act upon charges ◦ electric force: same direction as electric field ◦ magnetic force: perpendicular both to magnetic field and to velocity of charge Electric charges move in space
Gauss’ Law for Electricity Gauss’ Law for Magnetism Faraday’s Law of Induction Ampere’s Law
Integral Form Differential form
B and E must obey the same relationship
Show that E = E o cos (ωt - kz) a x satisfies the wave equation
Frequency f (cycles per second or Hz) Wavelength λ (meter) Speed of propagation c = f λ Distance (meters)
Determine the frequency of an EM wave with a wavelength of ◦ 1000 m (longwave) ◦ 30 m (shortwave) ◦ 1 cm (microwave) ◦ 500 nm (green light)
E = E o cos (ωt - kR) a E H = H o cos(ωt - kR) a H whereA is the amplitude t is time ω is the angular frequency 2πf k is the wave number 2π/λ a E is the direction of the electric field a H is the direction of the magnetic field R is the distance traveled
Euler’s Formula A e +jφ = Acos(φ) + jAsin(φ) A cos(φ) = Re {Ae +jφ } A sin(φ) = Im {Ae +jφ } A e -jφ = A cos(φ) - jA sin(φ) unit circle Real Imaginary
Show that A cos(φ) = ½ Ae +jφ + ½ Ae -jφ jA sin(φ) = ½ Ae +jφ - ½ Ae -jφ
Complex field E = E o exp (jωt) exp(jψ) a E Phasor convention E = E o exp(jψ) a E
The frequency must be the same
The plane wave has a constant value on the plane normal to the direction of propagation The spacing between planes is the wavelength
The magnetic field H is perpendicular to the electric field E The vector product E x H is in the direction of the propagation of the wave.
The wave vector is normal to the wave front and its length is the wavenumber |k| = 2π/λ
A plane wave propagates in the direction k = 2a x + 1a y + 0.5a z Determine the following: ◦ wavelength (m) ◦ frequency (Hz)
A plane wave becomes cylindrical when it goes through a slit The wave fronts have the shape of aligned cylinders
A spherical wave can be visualized as a series of concentric sphere fronts
Poynting Vector (Watts/m 2 ) S = ½ E x H*
Poynting Vector (Watts/m 2 ) S = ½ E x H* For plane waves S = |E| 2 / 2η Electromagnetic (Intrinsic) Impedance
A plane wave propagating in the +x direction is described by E = 1.00 e –jkz a x V/m H = 2.65 e –jkz a y mA/m Determine the following: ◦ Direction of propagation ◦ Intrinsic impedance ◦ Power density
Read Chapter Sections 7-1, 7-2, 7-6 Solve Problems , 7.25, 7.30, and 7.33