Application of Geospatial Technologies for Oil Palm Plantation Management Mohd zahlan mohd zaki Malaysia Geospatial Forum 2012 | Melaka | 6-7 March 2012
2 “The location of information is what makes the information powerful!”
3 Overview Introduction Applications Oil Palm Yield Forecasting Nutrient Mapping Yield and Growth Analysis Terrain Analysis Hydrological Modelling Micro-UAV imaging
4 Introduction The Technologies Remote Sensing Global Positioning System (GPS) Geographical Information System (GIS) etc. What?
5 Why? accuracy (accurate information) cost-effectiveness better perspective, enhance communication quick decision making. Introduction (Cont.)
6 NOW When? Introduction (Cont.) 15 years Evolution of Geospatial Technology
7 Where?
8 Introduction Current Key Projects Oil Palm Yield Forecasting –Accurately forecast oil palm yield for the next financial year –Accuracy of ≥95% at estate level Site Yield Potential –Establishing achievable and realistic long term yield target based on site specific criteria What?
9 Oil Palm Yield Forecasting
10 In principles, different kind of surface materials can be distinguished from each other by differences in reflectance. 02 D (36.5 MT/ha) 01 D (32.2 MT/ha) 01 A (25.5 MT/ha) CT38 (12.5 MT/ha) Wavelength (nm) Reflectance Index Case Study: Carey Island (2009) Ground Truth Sensor: Spectroradiometer Oil Palm Yield Forecasting (Cont.)
11 Oil Palm Yield Forecasting Field : 84C Year after planting in 2007 : 23 Spectral age: Yield (CIFOS/Actual) : 19.68/19.60 MT/Ha Accuracy: 99.61% (MT/Ha/Yr) Data Source: Landsat (30m) Data Cost: Free Download
12 Oil Palm Yield Forecasting
13 Leaf Area Index & Nutrient Mapping Data Source: SPOT-XS (20m) Data Cost: RM 0.005/ha
14 Yield Performance Index (%) Variance – Actual vs. SYP
15 Growth Performance Index (%) Variance – Spectral vs. Actual
16 PALM MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE MATRIX GROWTH PERFORMANCE YIELD PERFORMANCE EXCELLENTGOODMARGINALPOOR EXCELLENT NOT SATISFACTORY GOOD UPPER AVERAGE GOODPOOR LOWER AVERAGE MARGINAL SATISFACTORYVERY POOR POOR 1EXCELLENT Excellent growth (>95%), expect good respond to fertilization and good crop recovery standards 2GOOD Average palm growth (can further improve), likely satisfactory respond to fertilization and good crop recovery standards 3SATISFACTORY Impeded growth, suspect present of limiting factors, expect good respond to fertilization good crop recovery standards 4 NOT SATISFACTORY Excellent growth (>95%), expect good respond to fertilization but suspect poor crop recovery standards 5POOR Average palm growth, suspect present of limiting factors, likely respond to fertilization but suspect poor crop recovery standards 6VERY POOR Impeded growth, suspect present of limiting factors, expect poor respond to fertilization and/or poor crop recovery standards Palm Management Performance Index FY08/09 FY09/10
17 Data Source: Quickbird (0.68m) Data Cost: RM 0.60/ha Palm Growth Assessment High Resolution ImageDigital Image Processing: LPF Digital Image Processing: Intensity Scaling (cont.)
18 Abnormal growth, relatively small B A B A Normal palm, but was identified having leaning problem. C C Supply Palm Excellent Palm D D Vacant area Final Image Palm Growth Assessment
19 Terrain Analysis Data Source: SRTM (30m) Data Cost: Free Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Slope Analysis
20 Terrain Analysis Data Source: IFSAR (5m) Data Cost: RM 1.40/ha Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Slope Analysis
21 3D Terrain Analysis (Excise area above 25° for conservation) Data Source: SRTM (30m) Data Cost: Free Download
22 Hydrological Modelling Data Source: SRTM (30m) Data Cost: Free Download
23 Types… Advantage… Drawbacks… Potential… Micro-UAV Imaging
24 Data Source: CropCAM UAV (0.2m) Yield and Growth Analysis: Identify Problematic Areas Micro-UAV Imaging
25 Micro-UAV Imaging Hecto-copter Outbreak surveilance
27 Conclusions Advancement in geospatial technology provides reliable high quality data on large scale, speedily and cost effectively. 1 Data : MULTIPLE application. EXPLORE! Powerful and useful agro-management tool for precision agriculture to enable sustainable oil palm cultivation.
29 “Effort is important, but knowing where to make an effort makes all the difference”
30 Thank You