RMS VISION SYSTEMS Innovative Solutions for the Semiconductor Industry Application Note: CD Measurement for FET Features NGS 3500 Advanced Metrology System
RMS VISION SYSTEMS Innovative Solutions for the Semiconductor Industry CONFIDENTIAL CD Measurements
RMS VISION SYSTEMS Innovative Solutions for the Semiconductor Industry CONFIDENTIAL Image Data Set Notes: 20 High Resolution Images of the same site were used in the repeatability test Wafer was slightly moved between measurement to create realistic positional and focus variation No vibration isolation or special fixture was used in the test
RMS VISION SYSTEMS Innovative Solutions for the Semiconductor Industry CONFIDENTIAL Data Summary – CD Measurement Notes: Gate Width was calibrated as 0.5 um. Other measurements were not calibrated. Optics: 100x Objective (FOV ~ 90um x 75 um) Camera: High-Res. Color camera with um/ pixel n < 0.01 micron Repeatability n 4 seconds Processing Time (80 measurements)
RMS VISION SYSTEMS Innovative Solutions for the Semiconductor Industry CONFIDENTIAL Chromatic Edge Contrast Technology * * Patent Pending This technology based on wavelength detection enables much better resolution for optical CD measurement. Resolutions below 10 nm are possible with standard optical microscopy. The edges are very sharp based on wavelength contrast. Due to optical resolution limit, the same edge is blurred with noise and low contrast when light intensity (B&W) information is used.