Marc Corthout
Overview The business we are in The business challenges The technological challenges How partnerships can help
The Driving Force of Digital Electronics: Moore’s Law transistors per wafer nanometer lines
Enabling The Digital Age(nda) DUV/EUV Light Source Industry ~1B$/year Lithographic Equipment Industry ~10 B$/year Chipmaking Industry ~300 B$/year Electronics Industry ~2000 B$/year
Production Source To be ready Light Source Wavelength 193nm 13nm The technological challenge: reducing the wavelength 15x 15x smaller 248nm
The technological challenge: the winner takes it all…?
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Integrated with ASML imec
The Technological Challenges High Volume Manufacturing Power > 10x Available 24 x 7 x 365 High uptime Low Cost of Ownership DUV EUV Closing The Maturity Gap …
Luc Vd hove, CEO Imec The Technological Challenges Closing The Maturity Gap … ASAP
How Partnerships Can Help Belgium The Netherlands Germany FraunhoferILT Closing the loop on system performance within the Euregio Having access to all major IC companies through Imec’s litho partners Creating an ecosystem of specialized module suppliers Becoming a showcase of hightech for the rest of the world