BIG BANG The big bang theory is the main cosmological model for the earliest known time of the Universe. It shows us how the universe was very dense and then eventually expanded. Modern measurements put this moment around 13.8 billion years ago. After the expansion the Universe cooled down to allow subatomic particles to form and later simple atoms. This was the evolution of the Universe.
EXPANDING UNIVERSE The Universe was becoming very dense which caused it to expand. A expanding universe might be traced back in time to a point. Scientists have thought about an idea of cosmic expansion.
TECHNOLOGY IMPROVING OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE UNIVERSE They can detect different types of radiation and distances. Scientists are using supercomputers, mathematics, and many other methods to study how and when these galaxies might all have been in the same place at one point in time.
Formation of galaxies One big explosion caused radiation and gravitational pulls causing things such as debris to come together and form what we know today as planets. All particles are attracted to each other. When the explosion happened the denser areas became galaxy consisting stars and planets.
CERN CERN is a European research organization that controls and operates the largest particle accelerator laboratory in the world
WMAP WMAP is AKA Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
Hubble’s Proposal The Hubble Space Telescope is a space telescope that was launched into low Earth orbit in 1990, and remains in operation
Redshift A redshift happens when light or other electromagnetic is increased in wavelength, or shifted to the red end of the full spectrum.