Equipment and technology options for manual and animal traction seeding in Conservation Agriculture By Christian Thierfelder
Contents: Introduction Planting Basins Ripper tine systems Direct seeding Conclusion
Animal traction systems: Moldboard plowing followed by harrowing and seeding with the hoe (Zimbabwe) Hand-hoe-system: Workload: 140,000 hoe strokes/ha/yr Traditional seeding systems
Planting basins capture run-off; increase infiltration dug manually with hoes in dry season. permanent (with some maintenance when required). Size varies: 30 x 20 x 20 cm 3 to 15 x 15 x 15 cm 3 soil disturbed only in a small area inputs concentrated in or at the side of the basin. Some organizations promote micro- dosing in basins Basins, Zimbabwe CFU basins, Zambia
Benefits and limitations of basin systems Benefits: timely planting possible; good yields due to input concentration and water harvesting disturbs soil only in some areas principles are easy to promote Limitations: labour intensive often not sufficient residues only an option for manual farmers unclear if CA is the driver or better land husbandry and nutrient management
Typical labour requirements in manual and draft animal system Hand hoeLimited DAPFull DAPCA-Basins labour h ha -1 Land preparation PlantingTop DressWeeding 1Weeding 2Harvesting Source: ICRISAT, 2005
A pot-holing implement from Zambia… Terry Jones, Farmer & seed grower, Mazabuka, Zambia
Tine rippers & sub-soilers Palabana subsoiler Magoye ripper
Magoye tine ripper: more furrow opener than ripper works at shallow depth reduced soil disturbance can be fitted to frame of a mouldboard plough. Palabana sub-soiler: breaks through hardpans before seeding Works to a depth of about cm Requires operation on dry soil or has adverse effect
Benefits and limitations of rippers and subsoilers Benefits: timely planting possible if animal traction is available cheap effective replacement of the plough easy to manage hardpans can be overcome by sub-soilers reduction in time & labour compared to the plough. Limitations: seeding and fertilization done separately by hand planting is delayed if oxen are not available without coulter, residues & mulch get stuck and dragged by the tool
Direct seeding CA systems sow into undisturbed soil without previous land preparation requires placing seed (and sometimes fertilizer) into soil beneath crop residues or mulch simultaneous placement of seed & fertilizer possible manual and animal traction systems available
Direct seeding with jab-planter (manual method): pushes seed through mulch into small planting hole opened by tool planting stations may change between years; rows can be maintained can place seed and fertilizer in one action planting is rapid & timely (0.5 ha/day). ease of use facilitated by soil softness
Opportunities and limitations: Opportunities: timely planting possible very efficient seeding and fertilization seeding into mulch possible long term experience from Latin America available Limitations: only few machines available yet seeding depth sometimes a problem (too deep – too shallow) requires good soft (moist) soil
Direct seeding with animal traction Implement seeds directly into mulch Coulter cuts mulch and opens rip line Fertilizer and seed dropped simultaneously No previous cultivation or preparation required Fitarelli seeder (Brazil)
Benefits and limitations of animal traction CA systems Benefits: timely planting possible efficient planting and fertilization least soil disturbing CA technology easy to get farmers enthusiastic about CA. Limitations: equipment not yet available in southern Africa residues difficult to cut if wet seed plates not available for all crops (sunnhemp) seeding depth difficult to regulate; needs experience (cotton)
Use of a 3- nozzle boom Weed wipe in action Herbicide application with a 6- nozzle sprayer Chemical weed control strategies:
Conclusions: Planting without ploughing is possible Many advantages come from timely and precision planting CA implements are time saving and very efficient but not enough implements are available yet Time saving is highest when using direct seeders