Gastric Artery Embolization with X-ray-visible Embolic Beads and C-arm Cone Beam CT for Increased Accuracy Clifford R. Weiss MD1, Paul DiCamillo MD PhD2, Weijie Beh3,Tza-Huei Wang PhD4, Hai-Quan Mao PhD5, Dara L. Kraitchman VMD PhD2,6 Radiology/Vascular and Interventional Radiology, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Radiology, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (3) Biomedical Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (4) Mechanical Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering (5) Materials Science, The Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering (6) Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
What you’ve just learned! No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19% 20%–24% 25%–29% ≥30%
What you’ve just learned!
What you’ve just learned! Gastroenterology and Endoscopy News: April 2008 | v: 59:04
What you’ve just learned! Paxton et al, SIR 2012
Weight change after bariatric embolization (relative to untreated animals) % wt gain Week 4 Week 7 untreated % wt loss Bariatric embolization Paxton et al, SIR 2012
Challenges Facing Embolic Therapy Complicated Vascular Anatomy Non-target embolization to spleen / liver / esophagus / pancreas / intestine or “non-fundal” portions of stomach
Challenges Facing Embolic Therapy
Challenges Facing Embolic Therapy +
CT using Conventional Angiography C-arm Cone Beam CT (CBCT) Flat panel angiography 8 s acquisition Methodology for c-arm CT using flat-panel X-rayl fluoroscopic system
Prototype Microfluidic Device Check Valve Prototype Microfluidic Device Barium-sulfate Alginate Oleic Acid Palginate>Pvalve>Poil IPA/ Ca Cl2 IPA/Ca Cl2 Ca2+
X-Ray Visible Embolic Beads (XEB) Microfluidic Device Size determined by nozzle size & flow rate Pressurized system prevents clogging of nozzles at high generation rates Scale up by parallelization of device allows production of microbeads at rates of ~1 kHz.
XEB Generation Microbead production is performed at a slower rate to show the production of beads within the microfluidic device. An individual bead (arrow) is shown in successful frames every 5 ms moving down the channel.
SEM of XEBs Note uniformity of the microbeads based of scanning electron micrographs
Fundal Anatomy and Arterial Map Here is a diagram of the arterial supply to the fundus We will target the three vessels that supply the fundus For the purposes of our talk, we will call the Fundal, Left Gastric and Right Gastric ----- Colon / SMA enlarge to see vessel fundus with shading L 0.9, T 1.4, R 1.6, B 1.0, H3.5 H 28 point or larger 1,2,3 Pop – up boxes with 3 branches We will target its complete supply – the three locations noted here:
Beads: Fabrication Custom made, barium sulfate containing, highly uniform alginate beads (~50 μm) served as the embolic agent in this study. Made with microfluidic devices with pressure controlled flow rates for uniform production The bead fabrication and properties were discussed in the previous lecture By Dr. Kraitchman They are made on microfluidic devices with pressure controlled flow rates for uniform production Importantly, they are fluoroscopically and CT visible, they are uniform, and they are small (50um) No Need for endogenous contrast during delivery
Overall Approach Pre-embolization DSA CBCT Celiac DSA C-Arm Cone Beam CT (CBCT): DynaCT: AXIOM Artis dFA (Siemens Healthcare, Forchheim, Germany) 8s DSA or DR, 210° rotation, 0.5°/ step, contrast 25% iohexal Pre-embolization DSA CBCT Celiac DSA Directly Visualized Embo Repeat for each site Post-embolization CBCT DSA We access the celiac axis At each of the three sites we do the following pre embolization digial subtraction angiography c-arm cone beam CT this is when you have the flat panel of the CT swing around the patient and take a rotational angiogram then you can reconstruct it into a CT / for cross sectional imaging in the flouro suite next, under direct visualization, we embolize finally, we assess success with DSA and c-arm cone beam CT we repeat for each site at the end of the experiment, we sacrifice the animal to perform histopathological evaluation of the procedure ----- for gross pathology and histology ------------ ** label CBCT / DSA On swine We access the celiac axis and image with DSA For each target site, we image before and after with DSA / Cone Beam CT And embolize under direct fluoro visualization Three 35kg Yorkshire Pigs 5F SOS selective catheter access to celiac axis (femoral) Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) of celiac axis For each targeted location: Select fundal vessel via Renegade Hi-Flow w 0.016 fathom wire Pre embolization imaging (DSA / DynaCT) Cone Beam CT: DynaCT: AXIOM Artis dFA 8s DSA or DR, 210° rotation, 0.5°/ step, contrast 25% Omnipaque (Siemens Healthcare, Forchheim, Germany) Bead Injection under direct fluro observation Post embolization imaging (DSA / Dyna CT) At end of session Black tissue dye staining from celiac trunk Sacrifice, gross pathology, histology Pathology/Histology
Celiac Axis GACE 1, Series 3 Starting off, we perform a DSA on the celiac axis Note the angiogram corresponds to the diagram Here are the three target branches FUNDAL LEFT GASTRIC RIGHT GASTRIC ---- Color three branches, red yellow green GACE 1, Series 3
Approach to Site 1: Avoiding Reflux to Spleen We are approaching the target site 1 – (what we are calling) the fundal artery SOS selective catheter, Renegade high Flow catheter In this panel, there is contrast to target and also to spleen Advancing, we position in site 1. We will have to control delivery rate to avoid backflow to spleen ----- Now both 26 frames Series 5: 6-36 (31 frames) Series 6: 7-29 (23 frames)
“Fundal Branch” Embolization Pre-embolization Post-embolization Pre and Post embolization at the fundal artery site 1 Here is the SOS selective catheter, Renegade high Flow catheter In this panel, you see the blushing of the target tissue After embolization, the blush is gone and the vessels are truncated ----- Now series 6 and 16, each 26 frames Series 6: 7-29 (23 frames) Series 15: 5-42 (38 frames)
Beads are Visible During Delivery As the beads have endogenous contrast, they can be visualized during delivery Here is the tip of the renegade high flow catheter ----------- Site 1 – beads can be visulaized during delivery The are visualized with only their endogenous contrast --- Note there is no contrast in injection – only opacity of beads is noted
Site 1: C-arm Cone Beam CT Pre Contrast Post Sagittal Coronal Axial With the C-arm cone beam CT we get more detailed information about the case Here are: axial, coronal, sagital sections axial This is the stomach, the spleen Coronal saggital This is the stomach On this plan: Pre-embolization – we can visualize fundus On this panel: we inject contrast to verify we are in the arterial supply to the fundal tissue On this panel: we can see where the beads have been delvered only to the fundus tissue, not the spleen or other organs ---------------------------- We verify targeting of fundus 3 dimensions in second panel In the right panel, image of beads post-embolization Use 2nd run for 25% contrast update images Change DYNA to CB CT GACE001_S19_DYNACT_POST_EMBO_1_AXIALGRAYSCALE1 (want 3rd one that is embo site three in three planes) GACE 1, Series 7,19, 29
“Fundal Branch” CBCT Pre Contrast Post Sagittal Coronal Axial With the C-arm cone beam CT we get more detailed information about the case Here are: axial, coronal, sagital sections axial This is the stomach, the spleen Coronal saggital This is the stomach On this plan: Pre-embolization – we can visualize fundus On this panel: we inject contrast to verify we are in the arterial supply to the fundal tissue On this panel: we can see where the beads have been delvered only to the fundus tissue, not the spleen or other organs ---------------------------- We verify targeting of fundus 3 dimensions in second panel In the right panel, image of beads post-embolization Use 2nd run for 25% contrast update images Change DYNA to CB CT GACE001_S19_DYNACT_POST_EMBO_1_AXIALGRAYSCALE1 (want 3rd one that is embo site three in three planes) GACE 1, Series 7,19, 29
“Fundal Branch” CBCT Post Embolization Scrolling through the CBCT gives an idea of the extent of bead distribution from site 1 This is a powerful intra-procedural confirmation Note the beads in site one, and no beads in other tissues ------- Site one, image of beads postembolization
Site 1: Bead are Visible During Delivery Another image of the beads being delivered Here is the SOS Selective Catheter Here is the renegade high flow catheter Here are the beads being injected You can see the endogenous contrast of the beads ------- Site 1 – beads can be visulaized during delivery The are visualized with only their endogenous contrast Site one: Still image of beads during injection: (Stacked image) DSA with beads at 3 frames per second GACE 1, Series 11
Left Gastric? GACE 1, Series 20, 21 Now we move to site two We choose the fundal vessel with fathom wire and advance renegade high flow catheter GACE 1, Series 20, 21
Site 2: C-Arm Cone Beam CT We take a look with c-arm cone beam CT prior to embolization – this is a rotational angiogram We want to verify the perfusion pattern of tissue downstream of the catheter 8 s C-arm CBCT, 25% iohexal at 1cc/sec
Right Gastric Embolization Pre Embolization Post Embolization We moved on to site three – the Right Gastric We are approaching the target site 3 – (what we are calling) the right gastric SOS selective catheter, Renegade high Flow catheter In this panel, you see the blushing of the target tissue After embolization, the blush is gone and the vessels are truncated ------ Advancing, we position in site 1. We will have to control delivery rate to avoid backflow to spleen -------- Moving to Site three, Here are DSAsof the pre-and post DSA Pre: 22 post: 28
Embolization at Site 3 Post Embolization Pre Embolization Still images from site 3 – the right gastric Here is the Renegade high Flow In this panel, you see the blushing of the target tissue After embolization, the blush is gone and the vessels are truncated ------ Moving to Site three, Here are still captures of the pre-and post DSA DSA with 25% iohexal at 6 frames per second
Right Gastric CBCT Pre Contrast Post Sagittal Coronal Axial With the C-arm cone beam CT we get more detailed information about the case Here are: axial, coronal, sagital sections Axial This is the stomach, the spleen, beads delivered to site 1 Coronal Saggital This is the stomach, On this plan: Pre-embolization – we can visualize fundus and , On this panel: we inject contrast to verify we are in the arterial supply to the fundal tissue On this panel: we can see where the beads have been delivered beads delivered to site 1, new beads delivered to site 3 note that the beads have only been delivered to the fundus tissue, not the spleen or other organs, -------------------------------- With C-arm cone beam CT, Top to bottom – axial, coronal, sagital On the left – pre embolization – you can see the beads from embolization at site 1 In the center panel, we verify location in 3D with contrast In this panel, we see the beads post-embo
Procedure Summary Pre Post “FB” Post RG Sagittal Coronal Axial Review of work at site 1 and site 3, C-arm cone beam CT Here are: axial, coronal, sagital sections axial This is the stomach, the spleen Coronal saggital This is the stomach On this panel: Pre-embolization – we can visualize fundus On this panel: After treating site 1: we can visualize fundus beads delivered to site 1, note there are no beads in other tissues On this panel: After treating site 1 and 3: beads delivered to site 3, ------- On this panel: we can see where the beads have been delvered only to the fundus tissue, not the spleen or other organs, new beads delivered to site 3 --------- Trap in capillary bed contrast from previous DSA Will wash out as seen in site one Not in this study point of care / investigate further to see how the beads persist over time and their contrast persist Capitol P – pre and post dyna ct to cbct Loop of 3 d scroll Now we move to site two We choose the fundal vessel with fathom wire and advance renegade high flow N= 3 swine
CBCT Post Embolization Scrolling through the CT acquisition, we can see the extent of embolization in sites 1 and 3 On this panel: After treating site 1 and 3: we can visualize fundus beads delivered to site 1, beads delivered to site 3, note there are no beads in other tissues This is a powerful intra-procedural confirmation ------ Scrolling through the CBCT gives an idea of the extent of bead distribution from site 1
Return to Site #2 to Find Left Gastric Now on our way out, we stop by site 2, Select the left gastric with the renegade high flow And confirm -------- Went to site to access. Did not inject beads---- Now we move to site two We choose the fundal vessel with fathom wire and advance renegade high flow Windowed for contrast (bead loss) Possible to access but demonstrate possible
Gross Pathology At the end of the procedure, we inject a histological stain - essential black dye – to mark the areas still perfused We sacrifice the animal and look at the gross pathology The pale areas have been embolized. see we hit the whole fundus The dark areas still are perfused ------- The entire fundus has been covered ------ the areas of preserved perfusion
Fundus 10x 2x Moving to histology…. Here is an H&E of the gastric fundus at low power (2X) For orientation: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis The arrows point to beads in arteries in the submucousa Moving to 10X, the beads are visible – a single bead in each vessel ------- Low, Arrows, beads, Histological Images See the 50 micron beads reach deep into the vascularute – lodging in the submucosa Another image of the fundus Beads are here Another image, this time of the cardia No beads 10x 2x
Body 2x Here is an H&E of the body of the stomach at low power (2X) – we did not target that area For orientation: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis The arrows point to beads in arteries in the submucousa Moving to 10X, there are no beads evident in the vessels Low, Arrows, beads, Histological Images See the 50 micron beads reach deep into the vascularute – lodging in the submucosa Another image of the fundus Beads are here Another image, this time of the cardia No beads 10x
Conclusions Combination of XEB and CBCT allows the interventional radiologist to: Better see where they are going See where they have been Allows for complete fundal embolization Better assessment of treatment successes and failures Should allow for “long term” Allow Interventional Radiologist to determine if re-embolization is needed In conclusion For bariatric embolization, to target the arterial supply to a specific part of the stomach, we used two methods to facilitate the work Uniform, 50 micron (small), X-ray visible beads so you can see the beads during delivery to modulate injection rate, reduce back flow so you know where you’ve been when making choosing subsequent targets and making future injections C-arm Cone Beam CT so you can visualize the soft tissues visualize the perfusion to the tissue of interest see the beads afterwards in 3 dimension to be confident of the therapy TOGETHER THEY ALLOW FOR A SAFE AND COMPLETE EMBOLIZATION OF THE STOMACH ----- allow visualization during and after delivery – so you know where you’ve been To know downstream targets, and get 3D confirmation of progress and remaining targts
Broader Implications Not only promising for improving Bariatric Arterial Embolization (BAE/BE) Current embolic therapy is growing market: Hepatocellular Carcinoma Other Tumors Uterine Fibroids Bronchial Artery Embolization