Update on SSPC Standards Useful to the Steel Fabrication Industry 2014 North Central States Consortium October 6-8, 2014 Sioux Falls, SD William L. Shoup, SSPC Executive Director
Learning Objectives Update status of SSPC standards, certifications, and training programs useful to steel fabrication industry Completed New and Revised Standards Training and Certification MegaRust 2008
What is SSPC? SSPC is a not-for-profit organization that provides industry standards for “good practice” in industrial painting Resource for training and certification Resource for current industry information Exclusive focus on protective coatings
SSPC-PA 17, “Determining Compliance with Specified Profile Range” (2012) Take readings at minimum of 3 locations on each surface prepared by an individual piece of equipment used during a work shift or 12-hour period Surfaces prepared by power tool and abrasive blasting are evaluated separately) Surfaces prepared using different power tools or separate blast pots are evaluated separately Number of readings at each location is determined by ASTM Method specified from D4417 or D7127, or minimum of 3 readings if not addressed in ASTM Method
SSPC-PA 17, “Determining Compliance with Specified Profile Range” (2012) Average of readings at each location = location average Average of “location averages” = single “profile measurement” – must be in required range
ASTM Profile Measurement Methods PA 17 references two ASTM standard methods used to determine steel surface profile ASTM D 4417 – used in the field, 3 methods Visual Comparator Depth Micrometer Replica Tape ASTM D7127 – mainly used in laboratory One instrument reads three characteristics – profile, peak count, and maximum peak-to-valley distance
Quick Summary of ASTM D 4417 Field Measurement of Surface Profile Method A – Visual comparator Compare segments of physical standard to surface Method B – Depth micrometer (probe) Record highest of 10 gage readings at each of a specified number of locations Average of highest readings = “measurement” Method C – Replica tape Follow tape manufacturer directions to determine the “reading” on each tape Average of “readings” from 2 tapes = “measurement”
D4417 Method A Visual Comparator
ASTM D4417 Method B – Depth Micrometer
ASTM D4417 Method C – Replica Tape Obtain 2 measurements per area
ASTM D7127 (Measurement of Abrasive Blast Cleaned Surfaces Using a Portable Stylus Instrument) A second ASTM method for evaluating surface roughness Instrument is rarely used in industrial protective coatings industry Measures surface profile, peak count, and peak-to-valley depth
Summary ASTM D7127 – Stylus Profile Tracing Instrument Take 5 traces of surface 1 inch apart Each trace is ½ inch long measures peak count, profile, and greatest distance from peak to valley Average of profile readings from 5 traces = 1 measurement
ASTM D7127 Stylus Profile Tracing Instrument
SSPC Guide 19 – “Selecting Coatings for Galvanized Steel” (2012) Contains recommendations for selecting coatings for galvanized steel based on Service environment (buried, marine, immersion, insulated, atmospheric Condition of galvanized surface (new, weathered, deteriorated) Extent of area being coated (repair, topcoat)
Recently Revised Standards Mineral and Slag Abrasives (SSPC-AB 1) - 2013 Determining Compliance with Dry Coating Thickness Requirements (SSPC-PA 2) – 2012 Field Methods for Extraction and Analysis of Soluble Salts on Steel and Other Nonporous Substrates (SSPC-Guide 15) – 2013
2013 Revisions SSPC-AB 1 “Mineral and Slag Abrasives” Clarifies requirements for Qualification testing (supplier responsible) Conformance testing for verification upon receipt Quality control testing of media in shop or field for oil, conductivity per shift or 12 hour period
2013 Revisions SSPC-AB 1 Appendix B (nonmandatory unless specified as requirement) contains many requirements from MIL-A-22262(sh) Friability (must meet CARB requirements) Crystalline silica (must meet Class A –less than 1%) Soluble/total metal content (must meet California Title 22 Division 4 Section 66261.24) Status: Published April 2013
2013 Revisions to SSPC-PA 2 “Procedure for Determining Conformance to Dry Coating Thickness Requirements” Options for specifying more or less stringent compliance requirements Clarified process for defining extent of nonconforming areas Added appendices with info on measuring DFT on edges, pipe exteriors
PA 2 Options for Specifier Thickness………. Gage Reading Spot Reading Area Measurement Level 1 Minimum Unrestricted As specified Maximum Level 2 120% of maximum Level 3 DEFAULT (same as current PA 2 requirement) 80% of minimum Level 4 150% of maximum Level 5
Initial Nonconforming 100 ft2 Area OK STOP Dashed line indicates boundary of area painted during work shift Suspect area preceding a nonconforming spot must be remeasured after corrections are made (Limit of area coated during work shift) MegaRust 2008
PA 2 Appendices of Interest to Fabricators PA 2 is intended for use on large flat surfaces Appendices provide sample protocols for taking measurements on specific configurations such as beams or misc. metal parts Specifiers can reference appendices in project requirements
PA 2 Appendices of Interest to Specifiers 2 methods for measuring DFT on steel beams or girders and on miscellaneous metal parts Specify Full or Partial Determination Specify Coating Thickness Restriction Level
PA 2 Nonmandatory Appendix Measuring DFT on Steel Beams – Full Determination Beam divided into 5 sections based on length 1 spot measurement in each of the 5 sections Each of 12 surfaces is measured independently (each side of web, top and bottom of each flange, toes, etc.) Average of 5 spots on each surface must be within specified range
PA 2 Nonmandatory Appendix Measuring DFT on Steel Beams – Partial Determination Beams less than 20 ft long – 2 spot measurements on each surface Beams 20 to 60 ft long – 3 spot measurements on each surface Each spot measurement must conform to specified DFT
PA 2 Nonmandatory Appendix Full DFT on Miscellaneous Metal Parts 1 spot measurement on each surface of part If part has fewer than 5 surfaces, take multiple spot measurements on large areas for total of 5 spots If total area of part is over 100 ft2, take 5 spot measurements randomly distributed over each 100 ft2 area of part Specifier determines how many parts to measure and Coating Thickness Restriction Level
PA 2 Nonmandatory Appendix Partial DFT on Misc. Metal Parts 3 spot measurements, randomly distributed on part Each spot must conform to specified DFT Specifier determines how many parts to measure and Coating Thickness Restriction Level
PA 2 Nonmandatory Appendix Measuring DFT on Edges Obtain 3 gage readings within 1.5 linear inches of coated edge Average of 3 readings is a spot measurement Number of spot measurements required is specified, depending on total length of coated edge
SSPC Guide 15, “Extraction and Analysis of Soluble Salts on Steel” Describes equipment and methods for field extraction of soluble salts from surfaces Also describes various techniques for analyzing extracted solution Updated in 2013
Expected Revision late 2014 Revision of AASHTO/NSBA/SSPC Guide “Application of Coating Systems with Zinc-Rich Primers to Steel Bridges” (SSPC-PA Guide 13) Guidance on best industry practice for shop application of zinc rich primers to previously uncoated bridge steel Includes surface preparation and the mixing, application, and cure of coating
PA-Guide 13, “Application of Coating Systems with ZR Primers to Steel Bridges” Originally issued in 2006, revised and expanded in 2013-14 Contains a series of charts listing the detailed requirements for surface preparation, environmental conditions, coating application, curing, and verification testing. New appendices for Conditions, causes, and remedies for nonconformities on newly fabricated steel structures resulting from surface prep Conditions, causes, and remedies for nonconformities resulting from activities following surface preparation Conditions, causes, and remedies for nonconformities to project requirements resulting from coating or primer damage IOZ Coatings, OZ Coatings, and Intermediate and Finish Coat Nonconformities Expect publication December 2014
Standards in Final Approval Review SSPC-AB 2 (Recycled Ferrous Metallic Abrasives) SSPC Guide 6 (Containment) SSPC-Guide 7 (Disposal) SSPC-TU 7 (Environmental Monitoring) SSPC-QP 8, Qualification of Contractors Applying Coatings to Concrete
Standards Currently in Development or Periodic Review Number and Location of Soluble Salt Test Sites on New Steel (new) Guide to Specifying Dehumidification on Industrial Painting Projects (new) SSPC-PA 7 (DFT on Concrete) SSPC-PA 1 (Shop, Field and Maintenance Painting of Steel) SSPC-Guide 14, Guide for the Repair of Imperfections in Galvanized, Organic,or Inorganic Zinc-Coated Steel Using Organic Zinc-Rich Coatings
Standards in Revision/Periodic Review SSPC-AB 4, Encapsulated Abrasive (Sponge) SSPC-Paint 20, Zinc Rich Primer Organic and Inorganic SSPC-Paint 42, Epoxy Primer, Performance-Based SSPC-SP 13/NACE No. 5, Surface Preparation of Concrete SSPC Guide 12, Illumination of Industrial Painting Projects
SSPC Certifications (for Companies) QP 1 for Field Coating Contractors (touchup of shop-primed steel for new construction) QP 3 for Blast and Paint Shops QP 5 for Coating Inspection Companies
SSPC Certifications (for Individuals) Protective Coating Specialist (Specifier) Coating Inspectors Craft Workers (Blasters, Painters) Coating Applicator Specialist Program (CAS) Nozzle Blast Operator (C-7) Spray Painting (C-12) Other craft-specific training for specialty applications
SSPC Training Programs Useful to the Fabricating Industry BCI – Bridge Coating Inspector (specific to steel bridges) PCI – Protective Coating Inspector (all steel structures)
SSPC Training Programs Useful to the Fabricating Industry Bridge Maintenance – Conducting Coating Condition Assessments (new – in person) C-1 Fundamentals of Protective Coatings (e-course or in-person) Developing an Effective Coating Specification (in-person)
Questions and Comments Welcome General Information/Questions: Bill Shoup SSPC Executive Director 1/877-281-7772 ext. 2230 shoup@sspc.org Questions/Info on SSPC Standards: Aimée Beggs Standards Development Specialist 1-877-281-7772 x 2223 beggs@sspc.org Questions/Info on SSPC Training Jennifer Merck Training and Technical Program Specialist 1-877-281-7772 x 2221 merck@sspc.org THANK YOU!!