Microfluidics Mixing Chamber
Where? / With Whom? Intro to Project Proposal How?
Micro-Fabrication Facility (MFF) Dr. Michael Khbeis Kristopher Lawler Andy Lingley Class 10000 cleanroom -> Class 100 11,500 sq ft of wet & dry lab space Photolithography Nanolithography Dry Etch PVD CVD Thermal processing Metrology
How is microfluidic mixing different? [5] Turbulent Laminar
Reynolds Number[2] Re = (ρ * V * L) / mu Dimensionless measure of the ratio of inertia force to viscous force Inertial forces = density (ρ) * velocity (V) * gradient of the velocity (dV/dx) Viscous forces = dynamic viscosity coefficient (μ) * second gradient of the velocity (d2V/dx2) High Reynolds numbers - turbulent mixing Low Reynolds numbers - mixing relies on diffusion 0.1 = (1000kg/m3 * 0.0001m * 0.001m/s) [1] 0.001Ns/m2
Passive Microfluidic Mixers[1] Lamination Intersecting Channels Zigzag Channels Three-Dimensional Serpentine Structures Embedded Barriers Slanted Wells Surface-Chemistry Technology in Microchannels
Laminar mixing [1] Diffusion limited Takes time and distance
Intersecting and Zigzag Channels [1] [1]
Three-Dimensional Serpentine Structures and Grooves [1]
Embedded Barriers [4]
Hong Chamber [6]
Works Cited Lee CY, Chang CL, Wang YN, Fu LM (2011) Microfluidic mixing: a review. Int J Mol Sci 12: 3263–3287. Benson, Tom. "Reynolds Number." Reynolds Number. NASA.gov, 22 May 2009. Web. 18 Apr. 2013. <http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/reynolds.html>. De Buryn Kops, Steve, and Jim Riley. "Turbulent Mixing." EFluids Gallery Image and Description. EFluids.com, n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013. <http://www.efluids.com/efluids/gallery/gallery_pages/mixing_page.htm>. "Injection Molding Static Mixing Nozzle (Type SMN)." - StaMixCo Polymer Melt Viscous Processing Static Mixer Products & Technology. Stamixco-usa.com, n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013. <http://www.stamixco-usa.com/products/injection-molding-mixing-nozzle-and-filter/default.html>. "Mass Transport · Teaching Notes." Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology. University of Cambridge, 2013. Web. 18 Apr. 2013. <http://www.ceb.cam.ac.uk/pages/mass-transport.html>. "Microfluidic CFD Applications: Multiphase Mixing and Bubble Dynamics." Microfluidics Applications: Simulating Multiphase Mixing. Flow Science, n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. <http://www.flow3d.com/apps/microfluidics/multiphase-mixing.html>. Applied Physical Sciences - Chemistry: Andres W. Martinez, Scott T. Phillips, and George M. Whitesides Three-dimensional microfluidic devices fabricated in layered paper and tape PNAS 2008 105 (50) 19606-19611; published ahead of print December 8, 2008, doi:10.1073/pnas.0810903105