ICEL Welcome to ICEL International Church of Evangelical of Evangelical Christians Christians in Leuven
ICEL 2084TOGETHER IN THIS PLACE of worship TOGETHER IN THIS PLACE of worship Your greatness we proclaim; We stand as one in giving You All glory and acclaim. To You our hearts are open, To You our hands we raise. Come take the place of honour In our lives. Raymond Badham
ICEL Emmanuel, Our God is with us. Prince of Peace, mighty One, The ever-living God. (Repeat)
ICEL See the praises of our Saviour Rise to open skies. With the dawning of redemption, Your glory will arise. For You alone are worthy, Here in Zion You are praised. Our Lord and King, Forever You will reign. Copyright © 2000 Hillsong Publishing/
ICEL JEZUS, U BENT MIJN VRIEND Mijn schuilplaats en mijn helper Jezus, U bent mijn vriend Rechtvaardig en vol goedheid U bent een vriend die om mij geeft En die mij keer op keer vergeeft Ook als ik domme dingen doe Toch bent u daar
ICEL En ook al ben ik soms niet trouw Toch weet ik dat U van mij houdt Jezus, U bent mijn vriend Ik dank U dat U dichtbij mij bent Jezus, U bent mijn vriend U houdt mij vast door u liefde
ICEL U was er altijd ook voor mij Door U genade ben ik vrij Ook al besef ik dat niet altijd even goed En ook al voel ik mij alleen Heer U bent altijd om mij heen Jezus, U bent mijn vriend
799 I HAVE MADE YOU TOO SMALL I have made You too small in my eyes; O Lord, forgive me. And I have believed in a lie That You were unable to heal me. Lynn DeShazo
ICEL But now, O Lord, I see my wrong; Heal my heart, and show Yourself strong. And in my eyes and with my song, O Lord, be magnified, O Lord, be magnified.
ICEL Be magnified, O Lord; You are highly exalted. And there is nothing You can’t do, O Lord, my eyes are on You, Be magnified, O Lord, be magnified.
ICEL I have leaned on the wisdom of men; O God, forgive me. And I have responded to them Instead of Your light and Your mercy.
ICEL But now, O Lord, I see my wrong; Heal my heart and show Yourself strong. And in my eyes and with my song, O Lord, be magnified, O Lord, be magnified.
ICEL Be magnified, O Lord; You are highly exalted. And there is nothing You can’t do, O Lord, my eyes are on You, Be magnified, O Lord, be magnified. Copyright © 1992 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music/ Adm. by Kingsway’s Thankyou Music.
ICEL 1170 AND I’M FORGIVEN And I’m forgiven, because You are forsaken. And I’m accepted: you are condemned. And I’m alive and well Your Spirit is within me, Because You died and rose again.
ICEL Amazing love, how can it be That You, my King, would die for me? Amazing love, I know it’s true; Now it’s my joy to honour You. In all I do, I honour You.
ICEL You are my King, You are my King, Jesus, You are my King, You are my King
ICEL 1293 HUNGRY, I COME TO YOU HUNGRY, I COME TO YOU, For I know You satisfy. I am empty, but I know Your love does not run dry. So I wait for You, So I wait for You. Kathryn Scott
ICEL I'm falling on my knees, Offering all of me. Jesus, You're all this heart is living for. Broken, I run to You, For Your arms are open wide; I am weary, but I know Your touch restores my life. So I wait for You, So I wait for You. Copyright © 1999 Vineyard Songs (UK/Eire)/Adm. by CopyCare
Hagar, Ishmael, and El-Roi Three Names, Three Windows on God’s Character Genesis 16
ICEL Hagar “Sarai said to Abram, ‘You see that the L ORD has prevented me from bearing children; go in to my slave-girl; it may be that I shall obtain children by her. ̕ ” (v. 2)
ICEL Hagar “Sarai dealt harshly with her [Hagar], and she ran away from her.” (v. 6)
ICEL Hagar The angel of the L ORD : “Hagar, slave-girl of Sarai, where have you come from and where are you going?” (v. 8)
ICEL Hagar Name # 1 : Hagar First Window on God ̕ s character: God knows
ICEL Ishmael "I will so increase your descendants that they will be too numerous to count." (v. 10)
ICEL Ishmael "You are now with child and you will have a son. You shall name him Ishmael, for the L ORD has heard of your misery.” (v. 11)
ICEL Ishmael Name # 2 : Ishmael Second Window on God ̕ s character: “God hears”
ICEL Ishmael
ICEL Ishmael “ God heard the boy crying, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, ‘What is the matter, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there. ̕ ” (Gen 21:17)
ICEL Ishmael
ICEL El-Roi “Hagar gave this name to the L ORD who spoke to her: ‘You are El-Roi, the God who sees me, ̕ for she said, ‘I have now seen the One who sees me. ̕ ” (Gen 16:13)
ICEL El-Roi Name # 3 : El-Roi Third Window on God ̕ s character: “A God who sees”
ICEL Three Names, Three Windows on God‘s Character 1) 1)Hagar: God knows 2) 2)Ishmael = “God hears” 3) 3)El-Roi = “A God who sees”
ICEL 1837 HIDE ME NOW HIDE ME NOW under Your wings. Cover me within Your mighty hand. When the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will soar with You above the storm. Father, You are King over the flood; I will be still and know You are God. Find rest, my soul, in Christ alone. Know His power in quietness and trust. Reuben Morgan Copyright © 2002 Hillsong Publishing/
ICEL Venue: Naamsestraat 55 Announcements SUNDAY Choir12.00 AMHere Nepali Fellowship7.00 WEDNESDAYBible Study8.00 THURSDAYPrayer Meeting8.00 FRIDAYChinese Fellowship7.30 Bible study groups: please contact Nick Prayer requests can be made via the RED BOX or via the website
ICEL 499 SING HALLELUJAH TO THE LORD SING HALLELUJAH TO THE LORD, Sing Hallelujah to the Lord, Sing Hallelujah, sing Hallelujah, Sing Hallelujah to the Lord. (Descant) Sing Hallelujah to the Lord, Sing Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Sing Hallelujah to the Lord. Linda Stassen
ICEL Jesus is risen from the dead, Jesus is risen, Jesus is risen, Jesus is risen from the dead. (Descant) Jesus is risen from the dead, Jesus is risen, Jesus, Jesus Jesus is risen from the dead
ICEL Jesus is Lord of heaven and earth, Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord of heaven and earth. (Descant) Jesus is Lord of heaven and earth, Jesus is Lord, Jesus, Jesus Jesus is Lord of heaven and earth.
ICEL Jesus is living in His church, Jesus is living, Jesus is living, Jesus is living in His church. (Descant) Jesus is living in His church, Jesus is living Jesus, Jesus Jesus is living in His church
ICEL Jesus is coming for His own, Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming for His own. (Descant) Jesus is coming for His own, Jesus is coming, Jesus, Jesus Jesus is coming for His own Copyright © 1974 New Song Ministries. (Men)
ICEL Benediction Turn your eyes upon Jesus Look full in His Wonderful face And the things of earth Will grow strangely dim In the light of His glory and grace
ICEL Venue: Naamsestraat 55 Announcements SUNDAY Choir12.00 AMHere Nepali Fellowship7.00 WEDNESDAYBible Study8.00 THURSDAYPrayer Meeting8.00 FRIDAYChinese Fellowship7.30 Bible study groups: please contact Nick Prayer requests can be made via the RED BOX or via the website