Neck Flexion: Bring your chin down to your chest. Pull down gently on your head to increase the stretch. Hold for 30 sec to a minute.
Neck Lateral Flexion: Face straight ahead. Bring your ear down to your shoulder. Pull down gently on your head to increase the stretch. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Neck Rotation: Turn your head to one side Keep your head the same level so if you had a book on your head it wouldn’t fall off Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Neck Extension: Lie on your back on the floor Put a rolled up hand towel under your neck Push your shoulders down into the ground Hold for a minute
Trapezius: Face straight ahead. Turn towards one shoulder and then look down at your hip. Pull down gently on your head to increase the stretch. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Back extension: Lay down on your stomach on the floor. Push up with your arms and bend your back. Keep your hips on the ground. To increase the stretch, look at the ceiling. Hold for 30 sec to a minute.
Back extension with Ball: Sit on the ball Walk your feet forwards and move into the lying position Put your arms over your head towards the ground Hold for 30 sec to a minute (less if you feel light headed)
Back Rotation: Lie on your back on the floor with your arms out to the side. Bend one leg at the hip and knee and take that leg over your other leg to the ground. Keep both shoulders on the ground. You may need to hold your knee with the closest hand. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Back Lateral Flexion: Stand with one arm in the air. Keep facing forwards. Bend to the side away from the arm in the air until you feel the stretch down the side of your back. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Back Flexion: Bend forward with your knees bent and hug your legs. Keep your feet flat on the ground and try to bring your body as close to your legs as possible. Tick your head under for an extra stretch. Hold for 30 sec to a minute.
Back Curl: Lie on your back Bend your knees up towards your chest, keeping your knees together Hug your knees towards you Tuck your chin into your chest Hold for 30 sec to a minute
Cat stretch: Kneel on all fours Push your back up towards the ceiling as far as you can Tuck your chin towards your chest Hold for 1 minute
Posterior shoulder/Triceps: Pull your arm across your body keeping it straight. Keep your shoulders down. Use your other arm to pull the stretching arm closer to your body. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Triceps: Put your arm up in the air near your ear. Bend your elbow so your hand is behind your back near your opposite shoulder blade. With your other hand, pull your elbow towards you until you feel the stretch down the back of your arm and shoulder. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Anterior shoulder/Pectorals: Stand next to a door frame. Bend your arm to 90 degrees. Put your forearm against the doorframe with your elbow at shoulder height. Turn your body away from your arm until you feel the stretch in the front of your shoulder. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Biceps: Stand next to a wall. Put your arm out to your side at shoulder height with your palm on the wall. Keep your arm straight. Turn your body away from your arm until you feel a stretch in the front of your shoulder. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Anterior shoulder/chest: Link your fingers together behind your back. Straighten your arms behind you. Lift your hands as high as you can behind you keeping your arms straight. Hold for 30 sec to a minute.
Anterior shoulder/chest: Place both hands behind your head with your fingers interlocked and thumbs pointing down Look straight ahead Move your elbows away from each other as far as possible Hold for 30 sec to a minute
Shoulder Extension: Hold your arms above your head with your shoulders rotated inwards and your palms facing each other Reach up towards the ceiling as far as you can Hold for 30 sec to a minute
Forearm/palm: Turn your palms so they are facing out from your body. Put your palms on the edge of a table. Keep your arms straight. Push your palms so they lie flat on the table. Hold for 30 sec to a minute.
Forearm: Interlock your fingers Turn your palms to face away from you Straighten your arms out in front of you as far as you can Hold for 30 sec to a minute
Forearm extensors: Keep your arm straight. Turn your arm inwards from the shoulder so your palm is facing away from your leg. With your other hand pull your fingers up towards your wrist until you feel the stretch near your elbow. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Buttocks/Piriformis: Lie on your back and bend both knees. Put one ankle (leg 1) in front of the opposite knee (leg 2) and turn this leg outwards (see picture). Pull leg 2 towards you by holding your knee. You should feel the stretch in the buttocks of leg 1. For an extra stretch, push the knee of leg 1 away from you. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Buttocks/Gluteals: Sit on the ground. Have one leg straight (becomes bottom leg) and one bent (becomes top leg). Put the foot of the bent leg (top leg) on the outside of the other leg (bottom leg) at the level of the knee. Bend the bottom leg Turn your body towards the buttock of the top leg. As you turn your body, use your arm to push the knee of your top leg away from you. You should feel the stretch in the buttock of your top leg. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Buttocks/Gluteals: Sit on the ground. Have one leg straight (becomes bottom leg) and one bent (becomes top leg). Put the foot of the bent leg (top leg) on the outside of the other leg (bottom leg) at the level of the knee. Turn your body towards the buttock of the top (bent) leg. As you turn your body, use your arm to push the knee of your top leg away from you. You should feel the stretch in the buttock of your top leg. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Buttocks/Gluteals: Lie in the push up position Bend one leg under your body so your shin is parallel to your shoulders Take the foot of your straight leg as far back as you can and lean forward towards the shin of the bent leg You should feel the stretch in the buttock of the bend leg Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
ITB Stand facing straight ahead. Cross one foot in front of the other. Keep the back leg straight. Push your hips to the side of the back leg and bend your body away. Make sure your hips stay facing forwards (don’t twist). You should feel the stretch on the outside of your hip. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Groin/Adductors: Sit on the ground with your back against a wall. Bends your legs and turn them out so the soles of your feet are facing each other. Put your soles together and push your knees towards the ground gently to increase the stretch to the inside of your legs. Hold for 30 sec to a minute.
Groin – Side Lunge: Stand upright, with both feet facing forward, double shoulder-width apart Put your hands on your hips, keep your back straight and take your bodyweight across to one side by bending that knee To increase the stretch, take the straight leg out to your side further Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Long Adductors: Stand on one leg with the other out to the side on a bench Keep the top leg straight Bend the leg on the ground You should feel the stretch in the groin of the top leg Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Long Adductors: Sit on the ground with your legs straight. Take your legs apart as far as you can, keeping them straight. Lean forward towards the ground until you feel a stretch on the inside of your legs. Hold for 30 sec to a minute.
Groin: Kneel in the lunge position. Both knees should be at right angles. Put your body weight over your front leg by bending your front knee more You should feel the stretch in the groin of your back leg. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Hip Flexor: Kneel in the lunge position. Both knees should be at right angles. Push the hip of your back leg forwards (rotate your pelvis upwards). You should feel the stretch in the front of the hip of your back leg. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Hip Flexor with Ball: Kneel on one leg and both hands Put the other leg on the ball keeping it straight Push the hip of the straight leg towards the ground Hold for 30sec to a minute Repeat on both sides
Hip flexor/groin: Stand facing a table: Left one leg and put your foot on the table. Keep the leg on the ground straight. Push your hips towards the table as you bend your top leg more. You should feel the stretch in the front of your back leg. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Hamstring (sitting): Sit on the ground with your legs out straight in front of you. Bend one leg and turn it out so the sole of your foot is on the inside of your other leg near your groin. Lean forward from your hip towards the foot of the straight leg. You should feel the stretch on the back of your straight leg. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Hamstring (sitting): Sit on the ground with your legs out to your sides. Turn towards one leg. Lean forward from your hip towards the foot of that leg, keeping your leg straight. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Hamstring (sitting): Sit on the ground with your legs out straight in front of you. Lean forward from your hips towards your toes For an increased stretch pull your upper body towards your toes Hold for 30 sec to a minute.
Hamstring (lying): Lie on your back Keep your leg straight and raise it as far as you can To increase the stretch pull your leg towards you with a towel, keeping it straight Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Hamstring (standing): Stand facing a table. Put one leg on the table in front of you. Keep both legs straight. Make sure your bottom foot is parallel to your top leg (pointing towards the table). Lean forward from your hips towards the foot of your top leg. You should feel the stretch at the back of the top leg. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Hamstring (standing): Stand with one foot in front of the other with your weight on your back leg Bend the back leg and keep the front leg straight Reach towards the toes of your front leg Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Quads: While standing, bend one knee to take your foot as close to your buttocks as possible. Hold your foot near the buttocks of the same side with that arm. You may need to use the other arm for balance. Keep your hips facing forwards and your knees together. You should feel the stretch in the front of your thigh. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Quads (lying): Lie on your side Keep your knees together Bend your top leg and bring your foot towards you bottom For an increased stretch take the bent knee backwards Hold 30 sec to a minute Repeat on both sides
Calf / soleus: Stand with one foot in front of the other. Put your weight on your back leg. Keep the sole of your back foot on the ground. Bend your back knee as far as you can. You should feel the stretch in the back of your ankle near your Achilles tendon on your back leg.
Calf / soleus: Stand on a step with one heel hanging back over the edge. Push that heel towards the ground with that knee bent Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Calf / Gastrocnemius: Stand on a step with one heel hanging back over the edge. Push that heel towards the ground keeping that leg straight. You should feel the stretch behind that knee. Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Calf / Gastrocnemius: Stand with one foot in front of the other, shoulder width apart Keep both feet flat on the ground Bend the front leg and keep the back leg straight Push against the wall Move the back leg further from the wall to increase the stretch on the back leg Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Calf / Gastrocnemius: Rest on your hands and toes Put one foot behind the other so only one foot is on the ground Push your body weight backwards over your toes keeping your leg straight Hold for 30 sec to a minute. Repeat on both sides.
Desk stretches These stretches are good for relieving muscle tension while working at your desk Take a break every 2 hours and do some stretching while sitting at your desk Hold these stretches for 10 seconds and repeat each each side if necessary
Desk Stretches These stretches are good for relieving muscle tension while working at your desk Take a break every 2 hours and do some stretching while sitting at your desk Hold these stretches for 10 seconds and repeat each each side if necessary
Desk Stretches These stretches are good for relieving muscle tension while working at your desk Take a break every 2 hours and do some stretching while sitting at your desk Hold these stretches for 10 seconds and repeat each each side if necessary
Desk Stretches These stretches are good for relieving muscle tension while working at your desk Take a break every 2 hours and do some stretching while sitting at your desk Hold these stretches for 10 seconds and repeat each each side if necessary
Desk Stretches These stretches are good for relieving muscle tension while working at your desk Take a break every 2 hours and do some stretching while sitting at your desk Hold these stretches for 10 seconds and repeat each each side if necessary
Desk Stretches These stretches are good for relieving muscle tension while working at your desk Take a break every 2 hours and do some stretching while sitting at your desk Hold these stretches for 10 seconds and repeat each each side if necessary
Desk Stretches These stretches are good for relieving muscle tension while working at your desk Take a break every 2 hours and do some stretching while sitting at your desk Hold these stretches for 10 seconds and repeat each each side if necessary
Desk Stretches These stretches are good for relieving muscle tension while working at your desk Take a break every 2 hours and do some stretching while sitting at your desk Hold these stretches for 10 seconds and repeat each each side if necessary
Desk Stretches These stretches are good for relieving muscle tension while working at your desk Take a break every 2 hours and do some stretching while sitting at your desk Hold these stretches for 10 seconds and repeat each each side if necessary
Desk Stretches These stretches are good for relieving muscle tension while working at your desk Take a break every 2 hours and do some stretching while sitting at your desk Hold these stretches for 10 seconds and repeat each each side if necessary
Desk Stretches These stretches are good for relieving muscle tension while working at your desk Take a break every 2 hours and do some stretching while sitting at your desk Hold these stretches for 10 seconds and repeat each each side if necessary