AIM: Why are range of motion exercises so important? DO NOW O Break up into 2 groups. O Select the writer, writer stand in front of board O Wait for instructions
We read about Rehab/Restorative Care : O Let’s See how many ROM movements you can remember! O “Writer” you will write info from team members on the board. O Everyone MUST provide input…but be quiet, don’t let other team steal your answers O There will be prizes !!!! O Are you ready????
O And the winner is………………
What is Range of Motion (ROM)? -exercises that put a joint through its full arc of motion. The two types to remember: Active (AROM) performed by resident him or herself Passive(PROM) performed with assistance of staff member. ( what we do when we do our ROM skill)
What are the goals of ROM? O The goal of range of motion is to decrease contractures and improve strength. O Always ensure independence, privacy, and dignity.
O NEVER PERFORM ROM: O if the resident is in pain O if you see swelling or redness O Be patient, sensitive, observe, provide comfort, go slowly O NYS Skill Testing will be either: O Passive ROM of Shoulder O Passive ROM to elbow and wrist O Passive ROM to Hip, Knee, Ankle O Each will be timed 4-5 min O You will be observed for all indirect care skills O You will have to provide 3 reps on correct side
ROM Skill Music/Movement Shoulder O Extension O Flexion O Abduction O Adduction Elbow O Flexion O Extension Wrist O Flexion O hyperextension
ROM Skill Music/Movement O Hip O Flexion O Extension O Knee O Flexion O Extension O Ankle O Dorsiflexion O Plantar flexion
NYS Certification Test Check: WAIT TO ANSWER…shhhhh You should dress the resident: a. Weak part of the body first b. Unaffected part of body first c. Weak part of body last d. None of the above
The correct answer is O A O Always dress the weak part of the body first. O Discuss…..why?????
Let’s try one more, then move on… Dorsiflexion is a. When the foot is bent toward sole b. When the palm is turned downward c. When the foot is bent toward leg d. When the palm is turned upward
The correct answer is O C. O When the foot is bent toward the leg O When doing dorsiflexion on the foot, where and how should the nurse aide’s hands be placed? Discuss……….
HIPAA ALERT O This Alert is to remind you that the information and photos that we are about to evaluate and discuss are protected under HIPAA…. O What does this mean??????????????????
Clinical Focus Discussion O Ambulation O Use of Hoyer O Wheel chair operation O Hand rolls/contractures O Range of motion as an activity O Special Care Needs for specific residents O Parkinson’s, stroke O Adaptive equipment
O Lesson Review then Bedside Practice with Partners. O How does Range of Motion Exercise Benefit the resident? O Review Terms and Practice ROM Skills: O Abduction, Adduction O Flexion, Extension O Dorsiflexion, plantar flexion
What’s Next? O Keep reviewing skill packets and written test prep O Practice O After-school practice and extra help this week : Friday 4/26/13 from 3:15p-5? If you need me to stay longer I can O Lending Library- sign out a supply for at home practice O Come to class anytime- I will have a bed and supplies reserved for you!
You are almost at your goal! Lets Practice!!!