EXERCISE 1: Lift and Carry STARTING POSITION: Regular stance, arms to side. CADENCE: Slow MOVEMENT: 1. Squat and touch dumbbells to ground if possible, keeping back straight and feet flat on ground. 2. Return to starting position. 3. Perform a hammer curl touching dumbbells to shoulders, elbows pointing upward and forward with wrists straight. 4. Return to starting position.
EXERCISE 2: Bent Over Row STARTING POSITION: Regular stance, knees bent, back straight and almost parallel to ground, arms straight. CADENCE: Slow MOVEMENT: 1. Raise dumbbells until upper arms are parallel to ground, elbows close to body. 2. Return to starting position. 3. Repeat count 1. 4. Return to starting position.
EXERCISE 3: Rear Lunge STARTING POSITION: Regular stance, dumbbells on shoulders in carry position. CADENCE: Slow MOVEMENT: 1. Step backward with left leg. Center body weight between left and right leg. Keep heel of ground and pointed upward. Back straight, chest up, eyes forward. 2. Return to starting position. 3. Repeat on right leg. 4. Return to starting position.
EXERCISE 4: Supine Fly STARTING POSITION: Lie on back with knees bent, arms extended upward at shoulder distance, hands facing toward feet, elbows slightly bent. CADENCE: Slow MOVEMENT: 1. Lower arms outward to side until dumbbells lightly touch ground. 2. Return to starting position. 3. Repeat count 1. 4. Return to starting position.
EXERCISE 5: Squat STARTING POSITION: Regular Stance, dumbbells on shoulders in carry position. CADENCE: Slow MOVEMENT: 1. Squat to comfort zone, feet flat on ground, back straight, head up, eyes forward. 2. Return to starting position. 3. Repeat count 1. 4. Return to starting position.
EXERCISE 6: Supine Overhead Lift STARTING POSITION: Lie on ground with knees bent, arms extended upward at shoulder distance, hands facing inward. CADENCE: Slow MOVEMENT: 1. Lower weights overhead to ground keeping arms straight. Push lower back into ground. 2. Return to starting position. 3. Repeat count 1. 4. Return to starting position.
EXERCISE 7: Side Squat STARTING POSITION: Regular stance, dumbbells on shoulders in carry position. CADENCE: Slow MOVEMENT: 1. Step wide left, keep toes forward 2. Squat to comfort zone. 3. Return to count 1. 4. Return to starting position. 5. Step wide right. 6. Squat to comfort zone. 7. Return to count 5. 8. Return to starting position.
EXERCISE 8: Lateral Raise STARTING POSITION: Regular stance, hands facing thighs. CADENCE: Slow MOVEMENT: 1. Raise arms forward to overhead, elbows slightly bent. 2. Lower weights from side to front of thighs. 3. Raise arms to side overhead. 4. Lower weights front to starting position.
EXERCISE 9: Bent Over Lateral Raise STARTING POSITION: Regular stance, knees slightly bent, upper body forward 45 degrees with back straight. Arms downward, elbows slightly bent with palms facing. CADENCE: Slow MOVEMENT: 1. Raise dumbbells laterally until elbows and hands are shoulder height. 2. Return to starting position. 3. Repeat count 1. 4. Return to starting position.
EXERCISE 10: Rotator STARTING POSITION: Seated with feet shoulder distance, heels on ground, toes up. Leaning back to comfort zone with back straight and eyes forward. Dumbbells in front of body, palms facing. CADENCE: Slow MOVEMENT: 1. Rotate to left keeping dumbbells close together. Touch left dumbbell to ground. 2. Return to starting position. 3. Repeat count 1 on right side. 4. Return to starting position.
EXERCISE 11. Triceps Extension STARTING POSITION: Regular stance, arms extended overhead. CADENCE: Slow MOVEMENT: 1. Lower weights keeping elbows upward. 2. Return to starting position. 3. Repeat count 1. 4. Return to starting position.
EXERCISE 12: Curl and Press STARTING POSITION: Regular stance, arms to side. CADENCE: Slow MOVEMENT: 1. Curl weights, hands facing chest. 2. Return to starting position. 3. Repeat count 1. 4. Open chest, bringing dumbbells to press position. 5. Press weights overhead, hands facing forward. 6. Return to count 4. 7. Return to count 1. 8. Return to starting position.