Principles of Agile management of software development project 28 November 2014
11/28/2014 Agenda Introduction~5 min Contest ~ 40 min Theoretic overview~45 min
My Team
11/28/2014 Agile Branches Scrum Extreme Programming LEAN
11/28/2014 Agile in Barclays
11/28/2014 Aircrafts Contest
11/28/ minutes Team has to choose team leader team name team logo bend out a prototype of aircraft 3 minutes End
11/28/2014 1st Iteration
11/28/2014 Planning In 2 minutes you have to organize into aircraft bending and estimate your capacity – how many aircrafts you can bend in 1 minute. Aircrafts must be bent exactly as prototype and have logo. You will receive one point for for each planned aircraft that you will build and fly. You will not get point for aircrafts built above the plan. And you will get penalty of two point for each aircraft that you planned but not built.
11/28/ minutes Estimate capacity of your capacity – how many aircrafts you can bend in 1 minute. Aircrafts must be bent exactly as prototype and have logo. You will receive one point for for each planned aircraft that you will build and fly. You will not get point for aircrafts built above the plan. And you will get penalty of two point for each aircraft that you planned but not built. 2 minutes End
11/28/2014 Bending – 1 minute
11/28/ minute End
11/28/2014 Flying – 1 minute
11/28/ minute End
11/28/2014 Results
11/28/2014 Retrospective In the next stage you will have 2 minutes to capture as many positive and negative factors that have influenced your result as you can and provide actions to improve them in the next iteration. You will get half point for each.
11/28/ minute Positive factors Negative factors Actions to improve 1 minute End
11/28/2014 2nd Iteration
11/28/2014 Planing – 1 minute
11/28/ minute Estimate capacity of your capacity – how many aircrafts you can bend in 1 minute. Aircrafts must be bent exactly as prototype and have logo. 1 minute End
11/28/2014 Bending – 1 minute
11/28/ minute End
11/28/2014 Flying – 1 minute
11/28/ minute End
11/28/2014 Results and discussion
11/28/2014 Overview of Agile process and principles
Self-organizing T principle Motivated individuals
11/28/2014 Communication Face-to-face Business peole and developers must work together daily throughout the project Continuous process improvement through feedback
11/28/2014 Process Timely, regular and reliable delivery of business value through short sprints (iterations) Sustainable development. Team velocity
Waste elimination in the delivery process
11/28/2014 Product Backlog Backlog grooming Welcome changing requirements. Agile processes harness change for the customer‘s competitive advantage
11/28/2014 Planning We are not good at estimating, but we are good at comparison
11/28/2014 Blog page
11/28/2014 Estimation
11/28/2014 Planning
11/28/2014 Construction Simplicity - the art of maximizing the amount of work not done – is essential The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams
11/28/2014 Delivery and Testing Potentially deployable increments Working software is the primary mesure of progress UAT - User acceptance testing
11/28/2014 Review and Retrospective