A NIMAL W ALKS Skills on the Hill – Occupational Therapy Created By: Shani Hotchkiss August 2014
G RASSHOPPER J UMP Description: Squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of you. Next, jump both feet back so that you are in a plank position. Then jump your feet back in towards your hands and jump into the air, reaching your arms straight overhead. Grashopper Jump Video
W HEELBARROW W ALK Description: This activity takes two people Grab your child’s ankles and have them walk forward on their hands. (If your child is having a difficult time with this, grab their legs closer to their waist (e.g. knees or thighs) rather than their ankles.) Wheelbarrow Walk Video
D OG W ALK Description: Walk forward on your hands and knees. Dog Walk Video
B UNNY H OP Description: Starting in a standing position, take small hops forward with feet together on the floor. Bunny Hop Video
B EAR W ALK Description: With your head down, walk on your hands and feet, moving arms and legs of the same side of the body simultaneously. Bear Walk Video
C RAB W ALK Description: Start by sitting on your bottom with your knees bent in front of you both hands flat on the floor behind you. Raise up until your head, neck, and body are in a straight line. Move forward or backward, keeping your body off of the floor. Crab Walk Video
A LLIGATOR C RAWL Description: This is similar to a military crawl. Crawl on your stomach, using bent arms and legs to maneuver your body. Alligator Walk Video
F ROG H OP Description: Start in a standing position and then squat down until your hands touch the floor. Leap forward, reaching your hands straight into the air. Frog Hop Video