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WHAT IS SLEUTH...? sleuth is a behaviour tracking system for improving whole school behaviour management sleuth provides the information to develop effective behaviour strategies using the facts about behaviour in your school Press the S key to stop/restart the slide show Click your mouse or press the key to move forward through the slides manually Press the key to move back through the slides manually
WHY USE SLEUTH ? "For you to effectively teach, you need to know what triggers certain types of behaviour and what is disengaging children from learning... not what you think you know but what you actually know” David Moore - HMI Press the S key to stop/restart the slide show Click your mouse or press the key to move forward through the slides manually Press the key to move back through the slides manually
MONITOR BEHAVIOUR BY …... individual student, group or the whole school … term, weekday, period or timing within lesson … behaviour type/group, sanction or reward … ethnic group, gender, literacy level or SEN … location around school, a classroom layout … reporting staff, actioning staff or covering staff … subject, learning style or type of interaction
EXAMPLE SLEUTH REPORTS To be truly effective a behaviour monitoring system must present recorded data clearly and objectively The following are some example reports produced by sleuth from behaviour data recorded by a secondary school during a half-term period.
FIG 1: Bar chart shows the recorded incidents of negative behaviour per SUBJECT recorded for the whole school
Student Involvement by Year Group Showing 152 Items from 87 Incidents Where Behaviour is Negative and Subject is English Year GroupNumber of Incidents% of Total Student Involvement by Year Group Showing 156 Items from 80 Incidents Where Behaviour is Negative and Subject is Science Year GroupNumber of Incidents% of Total Student Involvement by Year Group Showing 90 Items from 67 Incidents Where Behaviour is Negative and Subject is Mathematics Year GroupNumber of Incidents% of Total FIG 2:Text reports show the breakdown of the previous incidents by YEAR GROUP for the 3 peak subjects:
FIG 3: Pie Chart shows recorded incidents of negative behaviour by LESSON ACTIVITY/DELIVERY for the whole school
FIG 4: Bar Chart shows the recorded incidents of negative behaviour by LOCATION for the whole school
FIG 5: Bar Charts showing incidents of negative behaviour by STUDENT GENDER for each year group Year 7 Year 8 Year 9Year 10
FIG 6: Pie Chart shows incidents of negative behaviour by TIMING within the lesson for the whole school
FIG 7: Bar chart shows the incidents of negative behaviour by YEAR GROUP for the whole school
FIG 8: Line Graph shows the NEGATIVE BEHAVIOUR TREND by day over a 4 week period for year 8
FIG 9: Bar chart report shows incidents of negative behaviour for YEAR 10 TUTOR GROUPS during a half-term period
FIG 10: Bar Chart shows the negative BEHAVIOUR TYPES recorded for tutor group 10FE in this period
FIG 11: Bar chart shows the SANCTIONS taken by staff for ‘Inappropriate Behaviour’ by year 10 students
FIG 12: Bar Chart shows the STAFF referring incidents of negative behaviour to the Head of Year of Year 10
FIG 13: Text reports show the FREQUENCY of incidents for year 10 students and accumulated BEHAVIOUR POINTS [Behaviour Points are based on the severity of each sanction assigned.] Number of Incidents Showing 287 Items From 171 Incidents Where Year is 10 Student Incidents JOHNSON, James (10FE)20 BENT, Jonathan (10FE)11 BURNSIDE, Ian (10SB) 9 HUGHES, Jane (10FE) 9 WOOD, Rachel (10SF) 8 FOWLER, Sarah-Jane (10FE) 7 HENSON, Mark (10SF) 7 LIDDLE, John Keith (10SF) 7 HAYWORTH, Charlotte (10SF) 6 WILLIAMS, Michael (10NW) 6 BULLOCK, Matthew David (10FE) 6 DALTON, James Gordon (10SW) 5 WATSON, Rosemary (10SF) 5 MAINWARING, David (10SB) 5 FORD, John Ian (10SB) 5 GARSTON, Natalia (10SB) 5 REARDON, Leroy (10NW) 5 HOARE, Matt Peter (10MD) 5 LATHAM, Simon (10SW) 5 STEWARD, Alex Mark (10NW) 5 STIMPSON, Richard Timothy (10NW) 4 BANKS, Keith Neil (10NW) 4 MANN, Rebecca Cate (10FE) 4 BROWN, Lisa (10SW) 4 EDWARDS, Rachel Olivia (10FE) 4 WEST, Nigel Thomas (10FE) 4 CUNLIFFE, David (10MD) 3 GREEN, William Jacob (10SF) 3 WRIGHT, Oliver James (10NW) 3 HILL, Andrew (10MD) 3 COLLINS, Francesca (10SF) 3 DEANE, Sharon (10MD) 3 MARTIN, Helen (10FE) 3 Student Points Showing 287 Items From 171 Incidents Where Year is 10 Student Points JOHNSON, James (10FE)-63 BURNSIDE, Ian (10SB)-60 HUGHES, Jane (10FE)-52 BENT, Jonathan (10FE)-38 STEWARD, Alex Mark (10NW)-35 LIDDLE, John Keith (10SF)-27 WOOD, Rachel (10SF)-23 DEANE, Sharon (10MD)-17 WILLIAMS, MichaeI (10NW)-16 WATSON, Rosemary (10SF)-15 LATHAM, Simon (10SW)-15 FOWLER, Sarah-Jane (10FE)-14 FORSHAW, Victoria Jane (10FE)-13 FORD, John Ian (10SB)-13 STIMPSON, Richard Timothy (10NW)-13 CORBETT, Laura (10SF)-13 BANKS, Keith Neil (10NW)-13 BROWN, Lisa (10SW)-12 EDWARDS, Rachel Olivia (10FE)-11 REARDON, Leroy (10NW)-11 MAINWARING, David (10SB)-11 BAKER, Adam Alfred (10SF)-11 BROWN, Mark Jonathan (10SB)-11 BULLOCK, Matthew David (10FE)-11 HOARE, Matt Peter (10MD)-11 HAYWOOD, Charlotte (10SF)-11 PICKERING, James (10MD)-10 REEVES, Paul (10SF)-10 GREENING, Benjamin (10SB)-10 JONSON, Holly (10SW)-10 HILLIER, Arthur (10FE)-10 MATTHEWS, Thomas James (10MD) -9 DALTON, James Gordon (10SW) -9
FIG 14: Bar Chart shows the negative BEHAVIOUR TYPES recorded for student: James Johnson
FIG 15: Bar Chart shows the recorded incidents of negative behaviour by PERIOD for student: James Johnson
FIG 16: Bar Chart shows the WEEKLY TREND of negative behaviour incidents for student: James Johnson
presenting at SMT, governor, or staff meetings setting and tracking behaviour targets with students resource planning and decision making USE SLEUTH REPORTS FOR …... monitoring effectiveness of behaviour policy parent teacher interviews to engage support
preparing for behaviour audits OFSTED inspections supporting student transition between schools USE SLEUTH REPORTS FOR …... assessing staff development and training needs developing student pastoral support plans