Physiotherapy c Massage Therapy c Exercise Therapy c Yoga Soccer stretches Produced by soccer enthusiasts @ West End Physiotherapy Clinic 600- 1525 Robson Street G 604 – 684-0047 Physiotherapy c Massage Therapy c Exercise Therapy c Yoga
This is the most boring part of any soccer game Soccer stretches This is the most boring part of any soccer game West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Has he stretched enough? Soccer Stretches Well, OK…. Has he stretched enough? West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Soccer Stretches Or she? West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Soccer Stretches What do you think? West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Soccer Stretches Are you having a swell time, just like this baby? West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Or is this your latest picture? Soccer Stretches Or is this your latest picture? West End Physiotherapy Clinic
To stretch or not to stretch, the choice is yours Straight Crooked West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Tips for performing the soccer stretches correctly: Hold each stretch 30 seconds to 1 minute Do not bounce Ease into the stretches slowly; do not stretch through pain Repeat stretch on each side of the body Perform each stretch one or two times on each side Keep the spine straight and hold abdominals tight Perform each stretch before and after each game
Soccer stretches Long Calf Muscle Stand with one leg back. Keep the back leg locked straight and the foot flat. Turn back foot slightly inwards. Bend front leg taking stretch through the back calf muscle. West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Soccer Stretches Short Calf Muscle Place hands on your hips, taking weight through the back leg. Turn back foot slightly inwards and keep the heel flat. Bend back knee forward over the back foot. West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Soccer Stretches Lower back, hips, groin and hams Stand with feet about shoulder-width apart and pointed straight ahead. Slowly bend forward from the hips with knees slightly bent. Let arms and neck relax. Continue until a slight stretch in the back of the legs is felt. West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Soccer Stretches Lower Back Stand with knees slightly bent. Gently pull elbow behind the head while bending sideways from the hips. West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Soccer Stretches Shoulders, chest Stand with head up, chin in, and hands clasped behind back. Pull shoulders down and back. Press shoulder blades together and down. Pull stomach in to prevent arching of the low back. West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Soccer Stretches Groin, shins, ankles Squat with feet flat and toes pointed out at approximately 15 degrees. Keep knees to the outside of the shoulders. Knees should be directly above the big toes West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Soccer Stretches Groin, shins, ankles (continued) Squat with feet flat and toes pointed out at approximately 15 degrees. Keep knees to the outside of the shoulders. Knees should be directly above the big toes. West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Soccer Stretches Achilles tendon From a kneeling position, sit back on your heels. Bring one foot forward so that the toes are parallel to the knee of the other leg. Let the heel of the forward leg come off the ground slightly. Lower the heel toward the ground while pushing forward on your thigh. West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Soccer Stretches Hip flexor Kneel on ground with front knee at 90 degrees. With the back straight, tilt the pelvis back by tucking the abdomen up and in and squeezing buttocks. Keep head up. West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Soccer Stretches Ankle rotations Sitting, hold one foot. Rotate the ankle clockwise and counter-clockwise through a complete range of motion. West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Soccer Stretches Short groin muscles Sit on the floor with back straight. Hold the ankles and draw them towards the groin. Use the elbows to apply a gradual downward and outward pressure on the knees. West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Soccer Stretches Long groin muscles Sit with feet at a comfortable distance apart and knees straight. Slowly lean forward from the hips keeping quadriceps muscle relaxed and the feet upright. West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Soccer Stretches Neck rotations Sit or stand comfortably. Very slowly roll the head around in a full circle, keeping the back straight. Repeat in opposite direction. West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Soccer Stretches Back, shoulder, arms Sit back on heels. Reach forward with arms keeping the chest low to the ground. West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Soccer Stretches Shoulders Hold hands above head. Push palms upward with the arms slightly back and up. West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Soccer Stretches Quadriceps stretch Standing, pull one heel to buttock. Keep back straight, knees together and in line. West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Soccer Stretches Buttock Lie on back with both hands around one knee. Pull knee towards opposite shoulder. Keep head, shoulder and opposite leg relaxed. West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Soccer Stretches Hamstring Place foot on a raised surface. Stand with supporting foot turned slightly inwards. Bend supporting knee. Keep back straight. West End Physiotherapy Clinic
Enjoy the game West End Physiotherapy Clinic