It is strange how people cast God out of their lives and then wonder why the world heads for hell. It is strange how we believe what is written in newspapers but we doubt the words of the Holy Bible.
It is strange how everyone wants to go to Heaven provided they won’t have to believe or do anything what the Bible teaches. It is strange how somebody might say: “I believe in God" and still follow Satan who, after all, also believes in God.
It is strange, how easily we judge but do not want to be judged…
It is strange how we can send dozens of jokes by , which spread like wildfire. Yet, when we send a message of the Lord, we think twice whether to share it with others.
It is strange how someone can live for God on a Sunday and be an ‘invisible’ Christian during the rest of the week.
It is strange that when we read this , we won’t share it with many others because we cannot be sure what they will think of us. It is strange how we worry what others will think about us instead of what God will; or, instead of what God calls us to do!
A man whispered: - Oh Lord, speak to me! And a nightingale sang. But the man did not hear it and shouted: - Oh Lord, speak to me! And a lightning crossed the sky. But the man did not notice it…
He said: - Oh God, let me see You. And a star shone brightly. But the man did not see it…
So he shouted again: - Oh Lord, perform a miracle So a child was born. But the man did not notice it.
In despair, the man said: - Oh God, please touch me so that I will know that you are here. So God bent down and touched the man. But the man flicked the butterfly from his shoulder and kept on walking.
God lives among us. Also, in simple little things, even in the computer age. So, the man wept: - God, I need Your help! So, he received an with the good news, with words of hope. But the man deleted it and continued to cry…
This message is meant to give hope to some.
Indeed, you may feel lucky to have read it. Why not share it with others?!
Remember: „Most things that happen, happen for a reason.„