mmcl What is an ION? A charged particle formed when electrons are gained or lost by an atom answer 1
mmcl How is a positive ion formed? An outer electron(s) is lost from an atom answer 2
mmcl How is a negative ion formed? An electron(s) is gained by an atom answer 3
mmcl Calculate the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in 31 P ? answer 15 protons 16 neutrons 15 electrons 4
mmcl Calculate the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in 23 Na + ? answer 11 protons 12 neutrons 10 electron 5
mmcl Calculate the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in 16 O 2- ? answer 8 protons 8 neutrons 10 electrons 6
mmcl What are BONDS? answer Attractions between atoms which hold them together 7
mmcl What is a MOLECULE? A group of atoms joined together by covalent bonds answer 8
mmcl What is the CHEMICAL FORMULA of a substance? It is a ratio of atoms of each element in the substance answer 9
mmcl What are DIATOMIC MOLECULES? A molecule made up of 2 atoms answer 10
mmcl What elements exist as diatomic molecules? H 2 N F 2 Cl 2 Br 2 I 2 answer 11
mmcl What is a COVALENT BOND? Atoms joining through their common attraction for a shared pair of electrons answer 12
mmcl What is VALENCY? Valency = combining power of an atom Group Valency answer 13
mmcl How is VALENCY related to the Groups in the Periodic Table? Group Valency answer 14
mmcl Describe how to work out the chemical formula of a compound? S ymbols V alencies S wap D ivide answer 15
mmcl Why do atoms bond? To get a stable electron arrangement with all the orbitals filled. answer 16
mmcl Name the two types of bonding found in compounds? Covalent and ionic answer 17
mmcl Which type of elements are involved in covalent bonding ? Only non-metals answer 18
mmcl When two or more non-metal atoms are combined by covalent bonds, what type of particle is formed? A molecule answer 19
mmcl How do electrons in a covalent bond hold the atoms together? Their negative charges attract the positive nuclei of the atoms and hold the atoms together answer 20
mmcl What is the shape of a CH 4 (methane) molecule? Tetrahedral answer 21
mmcl What is the shape of the NH 3 molecule ? Pyramid answer 22
mmcl What is the shape of the H 2 O molecule ? Angular (bent) answer 23
mmcl What is the shape of the HCl molecule ? linear answer 24
mmcl Which type of elements are involved in ionic bonding? Metals with non-metals answer 25
mmcl How is an ionic bond formed ? Transfer of electrons from the metal atom to the non-metal atom. answer 26
mmcl How do metals form ions ? Metal atoms lose outer electrons to form +ve ions answer 27
mmcl How do non-metals form ions ? Non-metal atoms gain electrons to fill outer orbitals (energy level) to form -ve ions answer 28
mmcl What information is give by the Roman Numeral in the formula of a compound containing a Transition metal? The valency (combining power) of the Transition metal answer 29