Most of the information we have about stars comes from the study of our star, Sol aka Sun
Structure of a star
Properties of stars - COLOR Color determines temperature Blue/white - extremely hot & bright and young White Yellow Orange Red - cool & dim and usually old
Properties of stars BRIGHTNESS is also called Luminosity and is determined by a stars ABSOLUTE & APPARENT MAGNITUDE Stars can look big to us because They are close They are big They are very hot They are bright
Properties of a star MASS (size) Supergiants are the largest stars, and may have diameters several hundred times the size of the Sun. Giants are more common than Supergiants, and have diameters 10 to 100 times as large as the Sun. Medium-size or about as large as the Sun White dwarfs are small dying stars (about the size of the planet EARTH). Red Giants & Super massive red giants are dying stars, have cooler temperatures than other stars, and are not as bright, but their size is still massive. Mass the amount of matter ( particles) the star contains Stars are classified by mass and color
Properties of stars - mass A stars mass determines its life cycle Smaller mass stars live or last longest and may live hundereds of billions of years Massive and Super Massive stars have very short life times only billions of years
Properties of stars Diameter Diameters of stars are determined by gathering three pieces of information; 1) distance 2) brightness 3) and color
WHY DO STARS TWINKLE? The scientific name for the twinkling is stellar scintillation (or astronomical scintillation). Stars twinkle when we see them from Earth because we are viewing them through the thick layers of Earth’s moving atmosphere the light of the star is bent (refracted) many times and in random directions Stars closer to the horizon appear to twinkle more than stars that are overhead Stars do not appear to twinkle when viewed from outer space or from a planet/moon that does not have an atmosphere