Which of these is a mineral?
I. Rocks are made of __________________ A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic ______________. It has a definite chemical composition and a ______________ structure. 1.Naturally occurring: a/ minerals: _____________________________ b/ not minerals: ____________________________ 2.Inorganic: not formed from living things The following are not minerals….. a/ Coal is not because it comes from __________________ b/ Amber is not because it comes from _______________ c/ Pearls are not because they come from _____________ Quartz, pyrite Cement, steel plants tree sap oysters minerals solid crystal
Which of these is NOT a mineral? Why? X X X
3.Definite chemical composition: Name of Mineral Chemical Composition Explanation Halite1 Na = sodium 1 Cl = chloride Quartz1 Si = silicon 2 O = oxygen Pyrite1 Fe = iron 2 S = sulfur graphiteC = carbon NaCl SiO 2 FeS 2 C
Which is which? halite pyrite magnetite copper quartz hematite graphite diamond sulfur calcite
size and volume shape Oil The atoms in a mineral are arranged in patterns. Halite ( ) liquid NaCl repeating
atoms of Na and Cl:
copper calcite Metals are crystals!
What minerals are these? They are all quartz!
II. How to identify minerals A.Physical properties 1.Color a/ some minerals have only 1 color: malachite is __________ sulfur is ______________ b/ other minerals have many colors: ___________ can be clear, pink, white, purple, etc ___________ can be black, grey, reddish brown, etc Color is often unreliable because ______________ in the mineral and ______________ can change the color. green yellow quartz hematite impurities weathering
All quartz!
All hematite!
Un-weathered copper:
Ex: verdigris = “green of Greece” original copper a “crust” of copper sulfate or copper chloride weathering changes the colors of minerals Is this a physical or chemical change?
The torch is coated in gold leaf (originally made of stained glass andgold leaf lit from the inside.) Book of Knowledge 7 seas and continents raised right foot is on the move her left foot tramples broken shackles at her feet Her torch signifies enlightenment. The copper outside is green because of verdigris.
The color of the _____________when a mineral is on a streak plate. Reddish brown White/colorless A streak plate is a square of unglazed _____________ porcelain powder
Hematite always leaves a reddish brown streak. quartz
3. _________ – the way a mineral shines or ________________ from its surface a/ metallic – surface looks like _______________ Ex. galena, pyrite, graphite, magnetite b/ _________________ luster comes in different types: mineral : type : mica____________ quartz, halite____________ talc____________ diamond____________ metal reflects light Luster
3. _________ – the way a mineral shines or ________________ from its surface a/ metallic – surface looks like _______________ Ex. galena, pyrite, graphite, magnetite b/ _________________ luster comes in different types: mineral : type : mica____________ quartz, halite____________ talc____________ diamond____________ pearly metal reflects light Luster nonmetallic
pearly non-metallic
3. _________ – the way a mineral shines or ________________ from its surface a/ metallic – surface looks like _______________ Ex. galena, pyrite, graphite, magnetite b/ _________________ luster comes in different types: mineral : type : mica____________ quartz, halite____________ talc____________ diamond____________ pearly glassy metal reflects light Luster nonmetallic
glassy non-metallic
3. _________ – the way a mineral shines or ________________ from its surface a/ metallic – surface looks like _______________ Ex. galena, pyrite, graphite, magnetite b/ _________________ luster comes in different types: mineral : type : mica____________ quartz, halite____________ talc____________ diamond____________ pearly glassy waxy metal reflects light Luster nonmetallic
waxy non-metallic
chert (quartz)
3. _________ – the way a mineral shines or ________________ from its surface a/ metallic – surface looks like _______________ Ex. galena, pyrite, graphite, magnetite b/ _________________ luster comes in different types: mineral : type : mica____________ quartz, halite____________ talc____________ diamond____________ pearly glassy waxy metal reflects light Luster nonmetallic brilliant
non-metallic synthetic diamond
Metallic or non-metallic? nonmetallic waxy nonmetallic glassy nonmetallic brilliant nonmetallic earthy nonmetallic pearly metallic nonmetallic If non-metallic what kind?
4._____________ – how easily a mineral can be ________________ On a scale of 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest): softest mineral - _______________ = 1 hardest mineral – ______________ = 10 Simple “scratch test” for hardness: Hard minerals _________ scratch glass Soft minerals _________ scratch glass Hardness is determined by a mineral’s _____________ chemical bonds and ________________. Hardness scratched talc diamond can cannot internal structure
Both are made only from carbon. Which arrangement looks stronger? diamond graphite hardness = 10 hardness = 1-2
type of fracture descriptionexample uneven fibrous conchoidal 5. How it breaks or splits a.Fracture : If a mineral breaks ______________ in curved or irregular pieces with rough and ________________ surfaces when struck by a hammer rough surfaces cloth fibers clam shell shape unevenly jagged sulfur asbestos quartz
uneven fibrous conchoidal
Flint tool Flint cobble
b. Cleavage - When a mineral splits along __________________ surface Examples of cleavage: The mineral ________ cleaves in ___ direction: The mineral ________ cleaves in ___ directions: smooth flat mica 1 galena 3
Cleavage or fracture? conchoidal think: fracture conch shell cleavage fracture cleavage fracture
Calcite magnetite magnetic +2HCl