Rocks & Minerals Study Guide Name: _______________________________ # _________ Date: ______________________ Rocks & Minerals Study Guide Sharon wants to explain the rock cycle to a classmate. Which is the BEST way for her to do this? A. Draw the rock cycle. (p. 43) B. Show the classmate a rock. C. Make a graph D. Heat a rock in an oven. Which is a scientist who studies rocks and minerals? A. Biologist B. Geologist (p. 47) C. Meteorologist D. Chemist Which item would NOT help you to observe the properties of minerals? A. Paper clip – can scratch or magnetic B. Penny – can scratch C. Thermometer D. Hand lens – closer look 4. Jerry has an unknown mineral sample. Which is NOT a property he can use to identify the mineral? A. Size – NOT a property ; others in lesson 1 B. Luster C. Streak D. Cleavage 5. A solid material made up of one or more minerals is A. a shell B. a rock – a, c, and d are all possible ingredients OF a rock! C. sediment D. soil
A. Weathering and pressure 6. Which is true about a diamond? A. It is made of calcium. B. It is the hardest mineral. (10 on Mohs – p. 18) C. It is a nonmetallic mineral. D. It can be scratched by talc. 7. Which causes sedimentary rock to change into metamorphic rock? A. Weathering and pressure B. Cooling and hardening C. Cementing and weathering D. Heat and pressure – other choices Are on p. 43! 8. Molten rock becomes igneous rock when molten rock A. cools and hardens B. is pressed into layers C. melts D. weathers 9. Which property can be used to tell if a mineral is metallic or nonmetallic? A. Cleavage B. Hardness C. Luster D. Color 10. Why does Sharon wear goggles when she tests mineral properties? A. To see the minerals more clearly B. To make the minerals look larger C. To block out light D. To protect her eyes – ‘test’ woud be scratching ; powder may fly. The students in a class tested the properties of a mineral. They recorded their observations in a chart. Then they wrote reports. Some of Juan’s observations did not match those of the rest of the class. What should Juan do? A. Throw away his report. B. Erase what he recorded. C. Keep his observations the way he recorded them. (He may be the RIGHT one!!) D. Change what he recorded to match others’ results.
Use the Mohs Hardness Scale to answer questions 12-15. 12. Which mineral can be scratched by fluorite? (Has to be ABOVE that mineral) A. Apatite B. Gypsum C. Quartz D. Topaz 13. A steel nail has a hardness of 6.5. Which mineral can be scratched by a steel nail? A. Corundum B. Diamond C. Feldspar 14. What is the hardness of calcite? Hardness: _3 15. What is the hardness of topaz? Hardness: __ 8 16. What is the hardness of diamond? Hardness: ___10 17. What is the hardness of apatite? Hardness: ____5 Mohs Hardness Scale Mineral Hardness Talc 1 Gypsum 2 Fingernail 2.5 Calcite 3 Copper Penny 3.2 Fluorite 4 Apatite 5 Glass 5.5 Feldspar 6 Steel Nail 6.5 Quartz 7 Topaz 8 Corundum 9 Diamond 10
Properties of Minerals Use the picture below to answer question 18 - 22. Properties of Minerals Luster Hardness Color Cleavage Other Name Nonmetallic C Colorless, white Yes Bubbles when acid is placed on it Calcite G Colorless, beige, pink Hardness very close to glass Feldspar F Tastes salty Halite Dark green to black Splits easily Hornblende Dark brown, black, or silver white Peels in thin sheets Mica Colorless, white, rose, smoky, purple brown No Looks glassy, chips like glass Quartz White, greenish, to gray Usually flaky Talc Streak Metallic Gray Gray to black Heavy for its size Galena Yellow Golden yellow Used for jewelry Gold Steel gray Reddish May have reddish patches Hematite black Black Magnetic Magnetite Brassy yellow Greenish black Looks like gold Pyrite 18. Which mineral is metallic, gray, and is heavy for its size? A. Quartz B. Galena C. Hematite D. Pyrite 19. Which mineral is nonmetallic, has a hardness of F, and tastes salty? A. Magnetite B. Talc C. Mica D. Halite
20 – 30 were answered and discussed in class **20 – 30 were answered and discussed in class. Answers are on answer sheet that we made in class. 20. Which mineral is white and chips like glass? A. Calcite B. Feldspar C. Quartz D. Talc 21. Which mineral has cleavage and bubbles when acid is placed on it? Which mineral is metallic, has a hardness of G, and a streak that is greenish black? A. Magnetite D. Pyrite Minerals are found in which of the Earth’s layers? A. Outer core B. Inner core C. Mantle D. Crust 24. The color of a mineral when it is ground into a powder is called its A. Cleavage B. Hardness C. Luster D. Streak 25. If a mineral splits easily along flat surfaces, it is said to have C. Facets D. Luster
26. How are rocks and minerals related? A. They look alike. B. They are made of the same thing. C. Minerals are made of rocks. D. Rocks are made of minerals. 27. To compare the hardness of different minerals, it would be BEST to find A. the color of the minerals. B. which minerals scratch other minerals C. which minerals reflect light most strongly. D. the samples that feel smoothest to the touch. 28. Gavin has two rocks. Both rocks are made up entirely of the same mineral. What other property of his two rocks is MOST LIKELY to be the same? A. Size B. Shape C. Color D. Weight 29. Which is NOT a type of rock? A. Igneous B. Metamorphic C. Sedimentary D. Fossil 30. Volcanoes form what type of rock? A. Sedimentary B. Igneous C. Coal D. Metamorphic