634057, Tomsk, Russia, Govorova Street, 19b,tel ,mob INDUSTRY and RAIN-DRAINAGE WATER PURIFICATION Water purification from underground and surface springs Industrial and rain-drainage water purification Cavitation - ferment purification of municipal waste water designing, building and adjusting Local Engineering Systems, LTD Local Engineering Systems, LTD Water purification from underground and surface springs Industrial and rain-drainage water purification Cavitation - ferment purification of municipal waste water designing, building and adjusting Local Engineering Systems, LTD Local Engineering Systems, LTD
Usually for the purification of industry waste water the chemical and physical methods are applied. Depending on contaminations,such as metals, oil products, suspended solids (organic or mineral agents), surfactant, mineral salts and so forth, technological schemes of water purification include flotation, coagulation, softening, reverse osmosis, disinfection blocks and so on.
Every block is responsible for well-defined purification area in order to get as a result the water in the final stage which will meet requirements of the SANPIN (Russia). Such technological schemes suppose use of large amount of chemical reagents. But often, the amount of pollution is so large that standard methods simply can not cope with the task of purification or becomes uneconomic. Our method is also the chemistry-physical one but contains some nonstandard flotation, hydrodynamic processing and cavitation units.
CIRCULATION TANK (FLOTATION UNIT) Raw water comes in the circulation tank (CT). Function of CT: -Correction of incoming water pressure till rated working one; -Exclusion of entering to the pump of solid precipitation; -Regulation of required total water volume; -Fat removal; -Petroleum removal; -Removal of coarse impurities; -Removal of fine impurities; -Provides recycling processes.
HYDRODYNAMIC GENERATOR (HG) After the CT water comes into the HG. Here the water saturates with oxygen and conditions for the cavitation process are formed. The cavitation process promotes the transition of dissolved agents to the insoluble ones. Also due to the cavitation process the partial disinfection of water takes place. Due to the saturation by air the metals oxidizing occur.
COAGULATION UNIT (CU) Further water comes to the CU. The CU represents the tank with special partitions where the coagulation process is completed.
SEDIMENTATOR UNIT (SU) From the CU water goes to the SU. The SU represents the quartz sand filter. The water goes from bottom upwards.
THE PURIFIED WATER RESERVOIR From the SU water comes in the purified water reservoir. Further the water can be disinfected in addition by the well- known methods (chlorination, ultraviolet radiation and so on).
The technological scheme, depending on the initial contaminations can be supplemented by the standard equipment.
Water purification plant, capacity 240 m 3 /hour
Water purification plant,capacity 25 м 3 /hour
Water purification plant,capacity 50 м 3 /hour
Water purification plant,capacity 200 м 3 /hour
Water purification plant, capacity 150 м 3 /hour
Results of purification, the “Ayach-Yaga” coal mine, г. №Components Initial waterPurified waterRequirements, SANPIN, Russia 1Colour Rust-coloured, troubled Colourless 2Transparency, sм2,0 Transparent - 3Smell 3b. Noticealle, lubricanting oil 2 b.< 2 b. 4Dry residium, mg/dm ,0940,01000(1500) 5pH7, Hardness, mg./dm 3 7,05,57,0 (10,0) 7Alkaline, mg./dm 3 8,2-- 8Calcium, mg/dm 3 98,0-- 9Magnesium, mg/dm 3 25,2-- 10Chlorides, mg/dm 3 34,1 <350,0 11Sulphate, mg/dm ,0450,0 < 500,0 12Fe, mg/dm 3 137,50,20,3 (1,0) 13Suspended solids379, Oil products, mg/dm 3 9,40,010,1
Purification result of mixed industry, municipal and rain waste water №ПоказательRain waterIndustry-municipalPurified water 1 Flow, m 3 /hour (80)12-40 (23)- 2 pH7,5-8,4 (7,77)7,0-8,1 (7,66)6,5-8,5 3 Phenol, mg/l0,0015-0,046 (0,002)0-0,11 (0,29)0,001 4 Thiozynates, mg/l0,02-0,130-0,252 (0,0316)0,02 5 Cyanides, mg/l0-0,006 (0,002)0-0,0066 (0,0025)0,002 6 mg/l0,90-2,15 (1,6)1,1-28,9 (7,7)0,39 7 Chlorides, mg/l36,0-124 (87)10-58,8 (19,3)6,7 8 Chemical oxygen demand mg О 2 /l 9,8-73,3 (42,3)20,125 (67,7)30 9 Suspended solids12,0-392,0 (165)3,8-63,0 (28,7)3 10 Fe, mg/l0,11-2,39 (1,03)No measurements0,05 11 Oil products, mg/l0,68-5,91 (1,88)No measurements0,05 12 Hardness, mg/l10-13,6 (11,6)2,2-4,0 single measurements 3
Purification result, mixed industry, municipal and rain-drainage waste water №ComponentsRain-drainage waterIndustry - municipalPurified water 1313 Sulphate, mg/l (124)20-90,6 (36,3) 6, Nitrite, mg/l 0,043-0,72 (0,27)0,086-0,78 (0,301) 0, Nitrate, mg/l 12,7-17,3 (14,6)0,89-14,9 (4,4) 0, Dry residium (753)No measurements Biological oxygen demand 6,76 (BOD full )No measurements 3, Smell, баллы Colour (17,23) Coliform bacteria, 100 ml More then up-limits of revealing(total microb number more than 30000) Thermotolerant bacteria,100 ml coliphages,100 ml
634057, Tomsk, Russia, Govorova Street, 19b, tel ,mob Thanks for attention Water purification from underground and surface springs Industrial and rain-drainage water purification Cavitation - ferment purification of municipal waste water designing, building and adjusting Local Engineering Systems, LTD Local Engineering Systems, LTD Water purification from underground and surface springs Industrial and rain-drainage water purification Cavitation - ferment purification of municipal waste water designing, building and adjusting Local Engineering Systems, LTD Local Engineering Systems, LTD