How Much Sunshine? Investigation 3, Part 1 Seasons and Sun How Much Sunshine? Investigation 3, Part 1 TG- p.83-94
Objectives *****I can calculate the amount of sunlight hours there are on different days of the year. I can explain where the Earth tilts towards and how it affects sunlight hours. I can explain what influence soar angle has on heating the earth. I can explain beam spreading.
Quick Write (Write in your Interactive Notebook.) What causes seasons? TG-P.94-95 TG- Assessment- p.425
December 21 Why would someone say that? Shortest Day Why would someone say that? Do we have fewer than 24 hours? Fewer hours of sunshine Light + dark hours = 24 TG- P.95
Longest Day? If it’s true that there is a shortest day, is there also a longest day of the year? Yes, June 21 TG- P.95
Today’s Sunlight How many hours of sunlight will we have today? Example: Sunrise 6:24 a.m. Sunset 6:44 p.m. Calculate the amount of sunlight. TG- P.95
Sunrise/Sunset Time for 2000 Table is the sunrise and sunset times Times were recorded on the 21st each month TG- P.95 Student Lab Notebook- P.7
Hours of Daylight Calculate the hours and minutes of daylight on the 21st of each month. Make a bar graph to show the amount of daylight month by month. DO NOT FORGET TO LABLE YOUR GRAPH!!!! REMEMBER TAILS! T-TITLE, A-AXIS, I-INTERVALS, S-SCALE. TG- P.95-96 Student Lab Notebook P.7
Hours of Daylight Jan 9:59 Feb 11:02 Mar 12:12 Apr 13:26 May 14:23 Jun 14:47 Jul 14:22 Aug 13:23 Sept 12:11 Oct 10:59 Nov 9:58 Dec 9:33 Copy the hours of daylight Make a bar graph to show the amount of daylight month by month Remember that 60 minutes = 1 hour TG- P.96 Student Lab Notebook- P.7
Review the Graph TG- P.96 Student Lab Notebook- P.7
Review the Graph The amount of daylight over a year in Berkeley? TG- P.96 Student Lab Notebook- P.7
Review the Graph Days get longer - Jan to Jun Days get shorter - Jun to Dec TG- P.96 Student Lab Notebook- P.7
Review the Graph Longest Day? Shortest Day? TG- P.96 Student Lab Notebook- P.7
Review the Graph 12 hours of daylight? TG- P.96 Student Lab Notebook- P.7
Review the Graph How many hours of sunlight on the longest day? More than 14 hours TG- P.96 Student Lab Notebook- P.7
Review the Graph How many hours of sunlight on the shortest day? More than 9 hours TG- P.96 Student Lab Notebook- P.7
Sunlight & Seasons What season is the longest day? TG- P.96 Student Lab Notebook- P.7 What season is the shortest day?
Global Daylight Discussion Questions When one location on Earth has 14 hours of daylight, is all the rest of the world having 14 hours of daylight as well? Is the longest day of the year the same length? Is the longest day of the year the same day? TG- P.96 TG- Teacher Answer Master-P.379 Student Lab Notebook- P.7
Global Daylight Are the longest days always in the summer? Are the shortest days always in the winter? TG- P.96 Student Lab Notebook- P.7
Reading Turn to pg 12 Read “Wendy and Her Worldwide Weather Watchers”. Answer the Think Questions on page 16. TG- P.96 TG- Teacher Answer Master- P.380 Student Resource Book- P.12 -16