WHAT IS A TAN? When UV radiation (from the sun or tanning bed) hits skin, skin cells react by producing melanin. Melanin is what makes your skin darker. (11) Skin cells release melanin in an effort to protect themselves from UV rays hitting the skin. UV rays damage DNA and cause burns, and a tan is your skin’s defense (11). All darkening of the skin due to UV exposure is evidence that the skin has responded to UV damage and is attempting to avoid further damage.
ULTRAVIOLET (UV) RADIATION There are different types of UV rays. The ones that cause skin damage are UVA and UVB. UVA (think A for Aging) penetrates deeply into both layers of skin and damages collagen and elastin. This is how UVA exposure leads to premature aging, including sags, bags, wrinkles and lines where you don’t want them. UVA breaks down skin structure by oxygen free radical damage.
ULTRAVIOLET (UV) RADIATION UVB (think B for Burning) is higher energy but only penetrates into the top layer of skin. Besides burns, UVB causes blotches and pigment irregularities. UVB and UVA are carcinogenic to skin cells in different ways 3. UVB directly damages skin cell DNA. UVA causes indirect damage by breaking down skin structure.
Before UV lamps were developed, the skin of humans was exposed only to natural UV in sunlight. We are only beginning to see the fallout from skin exposure to brief but heavy doses of artificial UV radiation. Tanning beds are much more intense than natural sun exposure. The amount of UV in tanning beds averages double the UVB and four times the UVA in natural sunlight. (33) High-pressure units have been shown to have up to 14 times the UVA of mid-day natural sunlight. (34) UV AND TANNING BEDS
Tanning units account for over 1,800 emergency room visits a year for BURNS. This underestimates the true number of burns handled in doctor’s offices, urgent care facilities, or treated at home. (38) Tanning beds are minimally regulated. A warning sign on the device is the only FDA requirement that is enforced. (33) UV AND TANNING BEDS
Tanning beds and UV radiation from the sun are ranked “Group-1 carcinogens” of the World Health Organization, based on broad science 3. Other carcinogens in the highest risk category include radon, tobacco and asbestos. Tanning bed use is linked to higher rates of all three major forms of skin cancer (6). TANNING BEDS AND SKIN CANCER
Indoor tanning is linked to more cancers than cigarettes (5). The Surgeon General calls skin cancer a major public health problem. While fair skin and family history of skin cancer contribute to risk, the most common types of skin cancer are strongly associated with exposure to UV radiation 1. TANNING BEDS AND SKIN CANCER
UV lamps in tanning beds emit ultra-concentrated UV radiation (33); This is how you can get noticeably darker skin in a short amount of time. The concentration of UV light in tanning devices is variable, and unregulated (34). These short but concentrated doses of UV radiation damage DNA in skin cells, causing mutations that can lead to cancer (6). Tanning beds can also harbor bacteria (39) and viruses (40). IT IS A MYTH THAT TANNING BEDS ARE SAFER THAN NATURAL SUNLIGHT