Mars Rovers
Rover Details A rover is a machine that scientists use to explore the planets in our Solar System. They also use rovers to collect minerals from the other planets and study the minerals they find. A rover uses sunlight to operate or it will die until sunlight comes.
Sending Rovers Scientists are sending probes/rovers to find evidence of water and life on other plants.
First Probe {1965} The first successful probe to take pictures of Mars was the Mariner 2.
1971 Mariner 9 found evidence of water in the minerals on Mars.
1971 In 1971 Mariner 9 discovered Valles Marineris. Valles Marineris was named after Mariner 9.
1971 In 1971 Mars 3 Lander made the first sucessful landing on Mars.
Viking Lander 1&2 {1976} In 1976 scientists sent Viking Landers 1&2 to find evidence of Life for the first time. This is a picture taken by Viking Lander #1.
1990’s By the 1990’s many probes had made a successful mission, but not all the probes made a sucessful mission. One probe didn’t even make it close to Mars.
1997 Mars Pathfinder was the first rover to land on Mars. This is a picture of Mars at noon taken by Mars Pathfinder.
1997 Mars Global Surveyor made the first detail maps of Mars.
Orbiter {1998} The Mars climate Orbiter was sent to find water in the soil of Mars South Pole. This is a picture one of Viking Landers.
2001 Mars Odyssey found evidence of water ice in the Mars soil.
Nasa In 2003 Nasa was starting to develop a series of missions to bring samples from Mars & Probes sent to Mars.
First Robot {2003} The first robot to explore Mars was Rover Sojourner.
2003 Mars Express detected Methane. {which could indicate life}.
2004 Spirit & Opportunity found water from soil in the minerals.
Rovers The two rovers that are at Mars right now are Spirit & Opportunity.