PV in lighting applications Pedro Ligneel Catholic Institute of Higher Education in South – West- Flanders Belgium
applications Indoor lightingOutdoor lighting –Garden –Street –Home –Traffic –…
Use of natural light
W a r r a n t y Kitchen Before Skylight InstallationKitchen Before Skylight Installation Kitchen After Skylight Installation Kitchen After Skylight Installation Kitchen Before Skylight InstallationKitchen Before Skylight Installation Kitchen After Skylight Installation Kitchen After Skylight Installation
applications Indoor lightingOutdoor lighting –Garden –Street –Home –Traffic –…
Garden lighting
PV for streetlight applications
Combined system: Wind generator and solar panel
Road traffic signalisation
Basic lighting and illumination advertising
Solar panel with LED’s
Evaluation Catholic Institute of Higher Education in South – West- Flanders Belgium
Evaluation Light sunlight Efficiency: Lamp Light device Battery Solar cell
Efficiency 1) Lamp Output (lm/W) Spectrum?? Supply voltage Current lamplm/W incandescent lm/W halogen lm/W LP-sodium lm/W HP-sodium Mercury lm/W compact fluo lm/W fluorescent lm/W LED lm/W
Efficiency 2) Light device Luminous etmittance
Efficiency 3) System The solar energy must be stored in the battery
Info: Pedro Ligneel KATHO