By: Derrick Griffin
It is a well-known fact that the Dead Sea located in Jordan, Israel is one of the saltiest lakes in the world, whose salinity is approximately 30%. Such a huge salinity makes it almost biologically lifeless. However this lake contains large quantities of different minerals and some quantity of dissolved organic matter. Minerals of the Dead Sea are important for medicinal and cosmetics purposes. Unfortunately, the Dead Sea is slowly drying up and soon it will no longer be around in years to come. We can help preserve the Dead Sea and it’s important that we use its wealth more rationally to prevent or delay its death. Thus it is imperative that we find answers to the following questions: Which minerals are exactly dispersed within the water? What are the minerals concentration and their vertical and horizontal space distribution? We must find if this solution is unique and stable?
2004 Optical Expedition Scientific Team Absorption & Attenuation & Number of Wavelengths Particulate Attenuation as c part = a part + b part.
Which method did I use to conduct my research? What are the benefits of using the Optical method?
Depth (m) a p (412)a p (440)b p (412)b p (440)c p (412)c p (440)b bp (660) E E E E- 02
What problems are we trying to solve? What are our parameters?
Depth_min (m)Depth_max (m)Depth_mean (m)
How did we solve our research problem? Did we make any assumptions about our solution?
n p (660)
k p (555) 1.313E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E-03
C V (Q a ) 4.773E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E-07
N part (mL -3 ) 5.716E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E+07
part (kg/l)
TSM (g/m^3) 1.074E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E-01
a p (412)
c p (412)
b p (412)
Mathematical Solution Not a unique solution Where the parameters met?
Create Code to compute all 1748 Values Provide more accurate visual of data
The Ocean Optics Team would like to give special thanks to Dr. Hayden, our mentors Dr. Sokoletsky, Je’aime Powell, Jeff Wood, and all faculty and staff who have helped me attain valuable resources that can be utilized in my future endeavours.
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